To the internet that is. Now that may not seem like a huge deal to ya’ll in the States, land of unlimited local calls for one low monthly price, but in Germany, you have to pay for local calls. So, I’ve had to limit my Straight Dope time to late at night, always watching the clock & being careful not to use up my day’s allowance. But no more! I’ve signed up with a plan that has a toll free dial-up, it costs about a hundred bucks a month, which kind of sucks, but I’m so happy. Just think of how much time I can waste, instead of doing stupid boring productive things like clean the house!
- a hundred bucks a month?!?!?!?*
I pay about 25, and I never come close to the hours allowed.
That’s nothing, Kelli, our phone bill last month was nearly $200! Of course, that included a couple of long-distance calls, but the majority of it was internet usage. During peak hours, it costs almost $3 an hour for local calls. After 9pm, it goes down to about $1 p/hr, but that adds up quickly. Cheap phone service is one of the few things I really miss about the USA.
Wow…a hundred a month is high…another thing we should be thankful for in the US…but some people don’t figure…my internet is 19.95…but…then my additonal telephone line is 15 a month…so…it’s around 35 if you consider the telephone line…most people don’t take in consideration the use of the phone line with the cost of the internet…
“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda
You wanna know something about me…ask me…not my friends…
Good Gawd Martha, what kind of life is that?
I hate to brag but I have free access, my client provides me with free access, they pay the outrageous fee of $19.95 a month.
I have heard that you Europeans have to pay a toll for each call, but I never knew that you had to pay extra for internet usage.
Thank God I live in America, even if I want to change the system!
BTW, Martha is a fictional character, a term by which I generalize people, even men < giggle >
Yay, Tater! Hope to see more of you now. As long as we’re here, lemme know if you’ve a hankering for stuff from your native Memphis.
Europe is NOT the same when it comes to net access. Some webmasters there pay $400 a month for the phone. dunno if US satellite modems work there.
YEOWCH!!! Hell I pay $49/month for unlimited cable modem access… and they’re dropping it to $29/month…
Teeming Millions:
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t
We pay 746.00 a month for a dedicated T1 line
Boy, I only pay about 21 dollars a month for basic phone service, and I dont have to pay for my Internet access (provided within Tuition, yeah i’m kind of paying for it, but i dont get a bill each mont). Anyway, i got mad at my brother for running my bill up to 26 dollars the last time he was here. Boy, do I feel guilty.
It’s worth the risk of burning, to have a second chance…
Yer getting off light. Ours runs $1492 a month. Can you believe that our company had TWO T1s–but they actually FORGOT about one of 'em??? Paying 1500 a month for something they didn’t even know they had…
Because we’re up in the mountains, USWorst adds $12.50/month distance charge for each line. And the lines are crappy.
Hey, tatertot, you live in Germany? Did you see the original of Run, Lola, Run? At least, I think that was originally German. Well, foreign at least.
Well its been three days since we got hooked up, and now I’m having a hard time finding things to do on the internet. Before, it seemed like I was missing out on all the cool stuff, but now I’m bored. Isn’t that the way it always is? I’m thinking about checking out the Straight Dope chat room, but I’ve never chatted before, just IMs with people I know IRL, so I’m a little nervous. What if nobody likes me?!?!
Surgoshan, Run, Lola, Run is a German movie, and I know the star Franke Portente (?) is really popular over hear. I’ve got a four year old son, so the last movie I got to see in a theatre, was Pokemon.