Woo! I got me my own African money scam e-mail!

It does, it does.

You do realise that the"bank manager" will be the scammer himself.


Not half as much as:

The Old Hole
Much Buggery
Lower Regions

Another of my ancestral homes :smiley:

I’m not saying stop the fun, guys! I just wanted to remind you (and the teeming millions that may not be as smart or careful as you) to remember that this CAN be a dangerous game if not played well. It is easy to imagine that someone might get their egos so wrapped up in the anti-scam that they inadvertently give out more than they wanted to in order to keep the fun coming. You have to be willing to let it drop when it gets to the point of no return.

In the meantime, by all means keep us entertained!


Well, I got a somewhat-desperate e-mail today:

I haven’t responded to him in a few days, and I’ll be on the road to Alabama this afternoon. Any ideas? I may string him along until tonight. . .

. . . assuming I have an Internet connection in my dorm room.

I’ve not heard at all., guess he may have decided to jusy go for you :smiley:
Suggest you leave it a day then tell him you’re sorry but business yadda, yadda yadda sometimes keeps you away. Plus you are trying to find a decent investment for your back pay or whatever else you’ve told him.

Tell him you’ll get in touch with his bankers pronto

Will do! Hopefully I’ll be able to tonight. . .

. . . Stay tuned as “Days of our Nigerian Lives” continues.

I say go ahead and contact the “bank manager.” One of the good things about playing along with talking to the scammer’s other identities is that it gives you an opportunity to insult the hell out of the scammer without giving away the bait. The “banker” will ask you for a bunch of personal information, passport scans, etc. You can string him along by asking him to clarify things, making him resend forms, etc., and you can excoriate him for his incompetence all the while. You can also complain to “Kingsley” about what an idiot his banker is. You’d be telling both of his fake identities what a moron he is while still seeming to be on the hook.

Also, pay attention to the names attached to the emails. I’ve notice on the scambaiting sites like 419 Eater and Scamorama that a lot of these assholes tend to forget which fake names they’ve already used with you, or even what their ostensible role is supposed to be (“Bank Vice President Charles Otoh” suddenly becomes “Barrister Joseph Tonka”). When that happens, you can demand to know who the hell this “new” person is an what the hell is he doing involving himself in your private (supposedly “secret”) affairs. Write to the “banker” and bawl him out for talking out of school.

You still have to keep holding out the carrot, though, and remind them that you got a big wad of cash just begging to be wired somewhere. Something else that seems to keep them in the line is if you let them believe another scammer has gotten to you. Tell them you’ve been contacted about another “investment” opportunity involving a larger sum of money. These guys hate it when another scammer tries to poach their fish.

My personal favourite of the anti-scam ploys was the one on Scamorama where they got the scammer to use code phrases (for “security” reasons), and had the lads saying “no tengo cojones” when they made any phone calls. The phone number they were given was for the hedquaters of the Federales, the Mexico City cops. Brilliant. :smiley:

There’s obviously an art to this. I had one whom I tried to persuade that I only accepted business propositions in Welsh, on the advice of my astrologer, but that was obviously too hard, as he apologised for not being able to help me and wished me luck elsewhere. :slight_smile:

I think James Dale has given up on me - I don’t know whether he’s written me off because I kept asking questions, or if he’s just twigged that I’m not serious because of something I said (or the fact that my surname keeps getting longer each time I write.

Well, after a few days on the road, and lacking internet in my hotel room (I’m in Alabama for the next five weeks), I dropped a line to ol’ Kingsley to let him know that I was “on the road attending to my uncle’s funeral. He made me the executor of his estate, so I might be out of pocket.”

I did also contact the “bank manager” just now, or at least sent the initial e-mail. More to follow.

Damn, Alabama doesn’t have the Internet yet.


After a few days of not hearing anything, I shot an e-mail to good ol’ Kinglsey, and you can see the paper trail that follows:

I just shot it out, so I’ll see how long it takes “Doctor Steve” to respond. At this point, I am willing to send him some stock picture of a Coast Guard guy at work, and ask that he send me one as well. . .

Off to Google Search!! Woo!

I’m going to need help on this one:

Here’s the rub: I don’t think I’ve yanked his chain to joke with him (maybe he thinks I haven’t e-mailed the ‘manager’, but I have, repeatedly), and his grammar has taken a nose dive.

Experts, do I yank his chain now?

I still haven’t sent him a stock photo–haven’t had time.


Chowder, check your e-mail. I just got this:

. . . and don’t know what to do next. . .


Cut and paste all of your responses to the “banker” into a reply*. Beg that he not drop you insist that you are sincere. Assure him that it must be a problem with the internet. Add some technobabble about packets or whatever.
After he accepts you back, then you can start to play him.

  • Make up three or four if you have to

And you’re not the only person getting them, although others are not getting it.


A city money manager in a Michigan city sent 186 thou to Africa to help the munincipality make a lot of money. Idiot. Lost his or her job too.

A city money manager in a Michigan city sent 186 thou to Africa to help the munincipality make a lot of money. Idiot. Lost his or her job too.

Tell him that you’ve e-mailed the bank and that it is they who are dragging their feet. Tell him also that you object to his tone of voice, demand an apology IMMEDIATELY or tell him to forget the whole thing.

You could send him a dummied up picture, use photoshop, which will or should portray you as a man of means and substance.

You could stall him by saying that because of winter conditions all phone lines for miles are down, insist that for a speedy end to the transfer he let you have a list of modalities (they love that word) ask if any payment is required to effect a quick transfer.

In short, just play it by ear because you have all to gain and sod all to lose


I also attached a stock picture of some dude in front of an ice cap. It was on “my last deployment”.

List of modalities. . . tee hee!