WOOHOO! We've Got A Turkey On The Way!

Congratulations. Good luck on your new adventure. :slight_smile:

Congratulations. Make sure you remember to baste said turkey frequently.

Roseanne, looking at sister Jackie’s nine-month-swollen stomach, touches Jackie’s navel and says “Maybe when this pops up, it’s done.”


Very cool. As a sometimes-on-Thanksgiving birthday myself, may I hereby request on Halkitten’s behalf that you always be sure to serve both birthday cake *and *(if you must) pumpkin pie?
grumbles Hate pumpkin pie. Stupid pumpkin pie looks stupid with stupid birthday candles in it.

Thanks much, all!

Draelin - So, no change from the usual, then?
silenus - kitten got a hella laugh out of that one…too much of a laugh, if’n ya ask me.
harmless - <groaaaaaan…>
lieu - Very, very, very, very wrong. And funny.
Tupug - Heh…tempting…but it’s already my brother’s name.
VunderBob - <Whoosh!> Sorry…don’t geddit.
Casey - Better believe it! Elsewise, we’ll just have to wheel a TV into the delivery room.
Loach - Tell me 'bout it. But if we move, it’ll be a lot further than PA.
WhyNot - Hey, I can cover two topics at once with this.

Grr… covering two topics at once is the problem, bub! :smiley: Keep the birthday and the bird-day as separate as possible!

(Actually, I thought that was very funny. Thanks!)

Way to stuff that bird!

Funny line…and it’ll be even funnier if you happen to be from the UK. :slight_smile:

I presume you mean the proposed name for a girl. Jenny-O is a brand name of turkey sold in the midwest…

Ahhh, gotcha. Yeah, East-coaster here…that went zipping right by me.

Thank you for asking, I didn’t get it either. :slight_smile:

And I’m sure you already give your wife anything she wants … but you should be ready for middle-of-the-night ice-cream-retrieval ops anyway. Remember–it’s all your fault. :slight_smile:

I’m not from the UK but I do watch BBC America a lot.
Will you kid’s sig be ‘Smart, Hip, Drumstick’?


Having kids is so much fun! Really.They are the Zen Masters of Life. I poop you not!

Most importantly, and for sheer hilarity in the future, I want you and your wife to seperately write down on paper the 10 things we will never do/my child will never do list. Don’t look at eachother’s list. That’s cheating. It is important to do this now while your thoughts are still pure and you beleive you have the power to bend your childs will just because you are DAD/MOM and Tyranny is Mine!

you know:

My child will never be seen in public with a runny nose.
My child will never have a temper tantrum in public or say ‘No’ to me evar.
My child will never have one of those koolaid stained smiles in public.
My child will never wear velcro tennis shoes, they will learn to tie just like I did.
My kids will not wear buttugly t-shirts that have an enormous spiderman/spongebob/pokemon/barbie/strawberry shortcake on them.
We will have calm, reasonable conversations at the dinner table to instill family values. sorry, but if DAD is involved in Dinner Time Meals it .ain’t.gonna.happen.

And the favorite: I will not turn into my mother/father. Good luck with that!

Etc. etc. etc.

Then look at it on your precious child’s 5th birthday, or better yet, their graduation. You will laugh until you cry.

What is the projected due date of your little bird?

Your wife will be feeling tired and crappy for three months. This is an excellent time to score some massive brownie points in doing your much belated Honey-do list. ( you wanker!) :slight_smile:
Naturally, it is expected we get to do a Name The Baby thread.

Not possible for me because of my job but we are moving to Hunderton County this month. Going from having our kitchen window 12 feet from our neighbors bedroom to having over 3 acres. Yippee.

Congratulations, Hal. All of the good turkey jokes are already taken. :wink:

Congrats to you too, Loach. It’s nice to hear that Hunterdon hasn’t been built out twelve ways for Tuesday the way Mercer and Burlington went.

Hooray, Hal and kittenlm! New life is so exciting :slight_smile:

Congrats on the little Butterball! The fun part will be when you take a pic of him/her beside the Thanksgiving turkey, just for comparison purposes.

For even more fun, put big goofy sunglasses on both the kid and the turkey. Good times!

Yay for Baby Briston!

Congratulation to the both of you!


Who have YOU been talking to?