WOOHOO! We've Got A Turkey On The Way!

Congratulations, Hal Briston and kittenlm!

I had a turducken joke here, but the goat ate it. Bye!

Congratulations Hal and family! :slight_smile:


And what a fine set of feathers shim is sporting!!!
Ok, so is she tired all the time or pukey?

You should start a Due Date and Gender Pool- http://expectnet.com/ . :slight_smile:

How did it take me so long to see this thread?


I second the poster who suggested earning some brownie points in the first trimester by taking care of things around the home. Here are some other first trimester tips:

1 - NEVER suggest she is acting irrationally. Nod, smile and say you’re sorry for whatever it is she imagines you have done :wink:

2 - NEVER say you “understand how she feels”. You don’t.

3 - If she has even a hint of morning sickness, try to avoid eating or cooking anything with any discernable scent near her.

Oh, and a tip for you. Don’t bother reading any book that is supposed to be geared toward expectant fathers (i.e., The Expectant Father). Just read her books instead. They have more information and (most) don’t assume men are idiots.

And Congratulations!

<looks at the just-finished-reading copy of The Expantant Father on desk>

Oops. :slight_smile:

Thanks much for all the well-wishes and advice, all! Yes, kitten feels crappy, nauseous, and maybe just a slight bit cranky (not that I mind one bit and I wouldn’t have it any other way and can I make you another glass of Ovaltine, Sweetheart?), but these are all things we knew going in. She’s keeping an excellent additude about it – a nauseous kitten means a healthy Turkey! :smiley:

Oh, and thanks for the link, inkleberry. Expect a prediction thread before too long.

Oh well. No harm done. I just found it a wee bit condescending and it assumed men are pretty shallow creatures. Plus, it didn’t actually have a lot of information on pregnancy itself. I felt it was the intellectual equivalent of “The Girlfriend’s Guide To Pregnancy” (which may be good for an occasional laugh, but nothing else). Just don’t rely on them for real information.

Expantant? Well, I suppose you did have to take them off at some point …



Well, actually, there was this one time we tried out a new posi…naaa, never mind…people don’t want details. :slight_smile:

Pre-fab Baby Page is up!

Hmmm…so the kid’ll be driving in 2021, huh? Is it too early for me to start panicing about that? :slight_smile:

That’s so cute!

But I think New Jersey has officially raised the driving age to 18 (which begs the question, how do they get to the diner???), so you’ve got a little extra time. :slight_smile:

I still do not see a baby pool… :stuck_out_tongue: I wanna vote! Early! Often! With gusto!

I was first to sign the Guest Book!
Does this mean I get to be Aunty? :smiley:

We decided to hold off on the pool until we get out of the first trimester. After that, game on! We’ll have to see if we can set this up to work three-way predictions with jarbabyj and Stainz’s offspring. :slight_smile:

Oh, and since harmless was first on the guestbook, she gets to name the baby!*****

***** Blatent lie.

I thought Blatent Lie was a band name?
Well, if that’s what you want me to name your baby…

Oh, and if it turns out I do get to choose: Peanut. :stuck_out_tongue:

My thought exactly.