Words that seem meant for only one other word

Old age, mostly.

And beasts and hounds can also be “fell”, especially if you’re a fan of fantasy literature.

(I also feel like I should mention that the fight song of one of my alma maters contains the line “We’ve got vim, we’re here to win”)

Colloquially, is there any other “right”_______than “bastard”?

That could also go with several other common Brit terms such as ‘twit’ or ‘wanker’.


With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, is there anything other than beef that is ‘corned’?


Yes - Oggs.
(whatever they are)

I believe there’s blarney beef, potatoed beef, green beef.

Does “diametrically” go with anything besides “opposed”?

4 trillion quatloos someone Chronos-like might have something.

diametrically halved? :man_shrugging:

Apparently, only minds can be boggled.

All the blithering is apparently done only by idiots.

Dribs without drabs? Drabs without dribs? Or ever a single of either, alone or in a pair?

I don’t think so.

Another question with asking: Has a single sud ever been seen?

I suppose two things could be “diametrically aligned”. Not sure if I’ve ever used the term, but I could.

Yeah … it’s called a ‘bubble’.


Has anyone ever called dib?

I assume the use of ‘diametrically’ implies a circle to model alliances and oppositions. If you draw a line from your position on the circle to the other side through the center, you have traversed the diameter of the circle. So you are ‘diametrically’ opposed to a position at the other end of that line.

Maybe, if you drew a line to the center of the circle, a position co-located with yours–completely aligned–could be described as radially aligned? I dunno, that sounds clumsy and confusing.

Hm, I never parsed it as “relating to a diameter”, though that works, too. I broke it down as “two measures”. So a large black object is diametrically opposed to a small white object, being opposed on the measures of size and color.

A quick Google suggests that your etymology is correct, though. So no, things couldn’t be “diametrically aligned”.

Are there any other products made from magnesia besides milk?