Words you spell wrong every single time.





They all just look wrong, dammit!

It used to be “their” which I almost always spelled “thier”, if I didn’t have a dictionary handy.That problem is fixed now though, thanks to a doper in a thread similar to this one that gave me a tip on how to remember the spelling.

Wait…one’s spelled right and one’s spelled wrong.

I can handle embarrass. I can handle necessary. I can even handle the difference between stationary and stationery. But I’m buggered if I can get guage/gauge right without a spell-checker.

Receive and acommodate.

I used to have difficulty with rhythym until I made it my computer password for a few months. Now I’ll never forget it!

Don’t ever ask me to recommend a vacuum. I seem to want to put “cc” in every word I can find…


and half a dozen more that I can’t remember right now. And I’m the walking dictionary for the family.

The OP hit my major one: Neccessary

I usually just say “Fuck it” and use “needed” even though it’s an awfull substitution. Actually, almost any word with double consonants in it is doomed because I can never figure out which consonants are doubled. “Beautiful” is also one. Anything with that many vowels in a row gets me dizzy. Then there is my all time favorite that I finally corrected, “alchohol”. I always wanted to put that “h” in there.



I, too, used to be a sufferer on this one. I was having a discussion online with a friend on this very topic a year ago, and in the course of that conversation, I realized I could break it up into three Spanish words: “se,” “para” and “te.” I’ve not spelled it wrong ever since.

I have a lot of trouble with “bizarre” and “occurrence,” though, both of which I’m certain I just spelled incorrectly.



Mostly French/English pairs where I can’t remember which is which.

enveloppe or envelope?
apartment or appartement?
Heck, I even get confused with “same” and “même” because they mean the same thing and are pronounced very similarly, other than that first letter sound, of course!

mentioned… I always want to double up that second n.

Most of the others have been mentioned in this thread…!

Judgment. It annoys me that there is no ‘e’ after the ‘g’. Why? WHY?!

Succks,don’t it?


There is if you’re British. Judgement isn’t incorrect, just regional.

THANK YOU!! Maybe **that ** will help me remember sepARATe :smiley:

And BTW, it is vacuum – sadly, I know this because I watched “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?” last week, and I happened to guess correctly, not to mention I just looked it up AGAIN to make sure I did remember it properly.

Imagine if English weren’t my first language :smack:


I had a hell of a time spelling [del]acoprycal[/del] [del]acrophycal[/del] [del]apocrycal[/del] [del]apoprycal[/del] apocryphal earlier today.