Working from home: Do you masturbate during work hours?

Which aisle? Housewares? Lady’s undergarments? Cleaning supplies? It matters…

This post showed up in my email feed, with (of course) just the text, “I don’t work from home. But I have this to contribute:”

I have to admit I clicked through with more than a little trepidation…

Great clip, though!

Sadly, it was in the toy aisle. Me and grandwrex were looking for the Lego kits

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe he was just testing the lube.

To be fair, some of those female Lego characters are pretty darn hawt.

I was going to masterbate while working from home. But then I got high.

And now I’m back in the office. Damn. :face_with_monocle:

“Masturbate at work regardless of remote status.”

Frankly work doesn’t create the correct mood. I insist on buying myself a nice dinner and a bottle of wine first.

I indeed have fond memories of the first confinement with my ex. We had been together for just over 2 months when it started, so we were still in the honeymoon phase. Needless to say, we made love a lot, including during work hours, but we just organized our days differently in order to also get things done.

Typically, we’d sleep in (possibly have sex), work non-stop from 10am - 2pm, take a long break to have a late lunch (possibly have sex) then resume work from 4pm - 10pm (possibly have sex afterwards). I remember that by the second week, we had no idea what day it was so we basically worked 7 days a week, but with “sex breaks”.

Reminds me of that joke.

It hurts when I masturbate.

Is there a punchline? What am I missing?

That is the punchline. Guy goes to doctor about a sexual problem. Tells the doc about the multiple times a day he has sex with multiple partners, so the doc asks so what is the problem.

OK, good one.

Also, sorry about quoting you so it looks like you were complaining that it hurt when you masturbated. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: