Working from home: Do you masturbate during work hours?

  • Wouldn’t dream of it – it’s too unprofessional
  • I don’t have enough privacy
  • Yeah, once in a while
  • Damn near every day

0 voters

Settling a bet with Mrs. A … and hoping for some fun stories to read over the weekend.

You missed an option. After a certain age, the impulse becomes less urgent.

a lot of options missing. I mean, I would say “no” but there’s more than 1 reason for that, I can’t imagine many people citing professionalism as the only reason to avoid daily masturbation during work hours. I mostly only do it for personal health and hygiene reasons and for me it’s maybe a couple times a week, with being when I first awake as the most logical and convenient option.

Yeah, I probably should have added a more general “Don’t want to” answer, but I guess my inner teenager can’t imagine not wanting to. (Hey, I’m only 56.)

I’m waiting for the professional sperm donors to weigh in.

I think I did so once. But I was on break.

By definition, I’d count it as break time rather than work time!

Not actively, but I do try to keep a variety of adult sex toys displayed on my desk during Zoom staff meetings.

for the life of me i cant remember where i read it but supposedly among married/together couple working from home there was a bit of a rise in in break and lunch hour massages and quickies as stress relievers …

I don’t work from home.

Since my wife returned to office, practically every weekday (she wouldn’t approve of it if she were home, not to mention she is damn near asexual herself).

I was in Walmart one day I turn on to an aisle and a guy who obviously worked at the lube and tire center had his hand in his pants.

To be fair maybe he had an itch, or was just adjusting things, I didn’t wait around for the pay off.

One of the poll options really should have been “Like a mother fuck!!!

I don’t work from home. But I have this to contribute:

I was caught once and I was sure Id be fired. They offered me permanent disability. I get no respect. No respect at all.

I even did it a few times when I was working in an office (I at least had the decency to do it in the men’s room).

Now that my husband and I are both at home, I don’t need to masturbate; we just have sex whenever we want.

You are a creep for asking such questions.

Moderating: keep it civil, please.

I don’t have that strong an urge to masturbate during work hours, but if I did it’s not like it would be all that much different from a pee break.

Well yeah… how would you charge the time on your timesheet? (Maybe “Personal Time”? )