Workplace Bathroom Reading Material Etiquette

One office - seven guys - single bathroom (not co-ed, ladies have their own). We currently have two issues of The Economist, the monthly Costco magazine, and the local free weekly newspaper. In the interest of full disclosure, I bring in the copies of The Economist.

Pooping without reading material is so…uncivilized.

Maybe a fiber supplement would be a better gift? Taking that long is seriously disturbing.

Usually, it is not about how long it takes but about having a quality experience and a bit of a break.

ETA: Most of the reading I do is in the bathroom as it is the only room at home that has a lock.

Someone mentioned muscle magazines, or what I refer to as Porn For Closeted Men.

Ugh. Tell me about it. He’s been like that forever, though. It’s like a whole experience for him or something. Dude, just dump and move on!

Why do you need to have a quality experience and to read in a locked room? Is that a euphemism that just went over my head until I’m typing right now?

I’m right there with you. If it takes me more than a couple minutes, I know there’s something wrong. I’m certainly not in there long enough to read anything. Are people attempting to go before the ahem urge strikes? Cuz I know if I do that, I’d sit there forever, but if I get up and go about my business, the urge will strike later and it’ll take me just a minute or two.

Or: eat more fiber, people. :stuck_out_tongue:

ETA: or is this some kind of “temporarily escaping from the boss/spouse/kids/roommate” thing?

Bowel movement timing, conditions, etc., vary widely from one individual to another. It’s a big mistake to assume that one’s personal experience qualifies as some kind of benchmark.

I enjoy my time in the bathroom. At work, there are many people who want my attention all the time. It may be weird but it is peaceful in there. A bit of a break.

At home, I have kids and a husband who also have fairly constant demands. Locking oneself in the bathroom is the only guarantee to not be disturbed.

Hey, it’s not like I don’t understand this. When we were growing up, my mom used to lock herself in the bathroom to ‘paint her nails’ and come out with ruby red fingertips. It wasn’t until I was a teenager myself I figured out that the nail painting only took a few minutes, the rest of the time was just avoiding a bunch of whiny children. And when I’m at work, I drink litre after litre of water and am happy with the side effect of constantly getting to lock myself in the solitude of the ladies room. But when someone makes reference to making a BM, then disappears for 20 minutes, I’m going to worry about them. It’s a weird way to get peace and quiet. Can’t one claim they are going for a ‘smoke break’?

See, I don’t get why anyone would ever make it clear to a co-worker that he or she intended to poop. No one needs that degree of specificity in the workplace.

What could possibly be causing worry? As I said before, experience varies widely. There’s no way that I’m ever going to be gone for less than 20 minutes if I’ve got to defecate.

Everyone would know you’re lying. It is generally known who the smokers are and where they go to smoke.

I’ve only ever been one place where reading material was left in a public (workplace) bathroom. I won’t touch it. I mean, it’s one thing if it’s a book or magazine in my own bathroom - I know where it’s been, I know it hasn’t been touched with poo-covered hands (I put it aside before any hand-to-poo exposure risk happens, and don’t touch it again until after my hands are washed).

So my answer is: in the workpace, bring your own, and take it with you afterward!