World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth general discussion thread 17 July 2018

The Darkshore dailies are lame, IMO, because there’s no faction rep attached to them OR any cool new armor outfit to start the xpac.

And my Arcane Explosion got mega-nerfed. :mad: I can’t even run through an enormous group of 110 mobs and obliterate them; I have to limit myself to like 16 or fewer.

But really I’m posting because I thought y’all would enjoy this: What It’s Like to Go Back to ‘World of Warcraft’ After a Ten Year Break


I guess they messed up the damage everyone can do to each other to the point things had millions of hp and was hitting other things for millions of damage at the uber levels due to ancient bugs that appeared when they were adding the pre release code to the almost 20 year old base game

a question that was asked by ther comment gallery :isn’t it way past time for wow 2 ?
or at least a rebuild from the ground up so everything works ?…… I mean they used win xp to build things in the beginning ……

I don’t see the point in new versions of the same MMO, at least when the original still has significant subscriber numbers. You can keep updating the original game indefinitely to improve visuals and add features, it’s not like WOW is using the same engine or servers that it was back in 2005. Shutting down a game with 5 million subscribers (current estimate) doesn’t make any sense, that’s basically free money. Making a new game means you need new developers and a new budget for a completely new game, that will cannibalize subscribers from the old game and encourage people to call the old one dead and seek out something new. I can’t see any upside for Blizzard to making a World of Warcraft 2, they’d be better off keeping on printing money with WOW and spending major development effort of new titles.

This has basically been WoW-vacation for me. I’ll tune in next week if the next leg of the Teldrassil stuff drops, but holy cow, what a slow beginning. Darkshore dailies drops 210 gear, I’m already 230+ in all slots, and have done the whole Teldrassil storyline in beta already, so… I am READY for the 13th to get here already.

I noticed tonight that my AV and IoC games are fun because we don’t have any whiners in the game who don’t want to be there. For the most part, all 40 of us are playing and know the right strategies to win, so the games are less about clueless bullshit whining in chat and more about hitting objectives.

Does anyone know if we’ll be able to DE Legendary items when BfA goes live? Or do I just have to discard all of them, 2 clicks at a time? I have like 3 full sets of Legendaries (all 3 specs) on my mage alone.

Guild Wars did that with Guild Wars 2.

I played the original and now play 2 instead of WoW since there is no monthly subscription.

You can still play GW 1. Most people moved on to 2. I did. If you played 1 then you get a lot goodies in 2 based on what you accomplished in 1.

Guild wars wasn’t a subscription based game. All of those WOW subs rake in cash every month and a WOW2 would cannibalize that revenue stream, so making GW2 didn’t involve the same trade offs. I should have said subscription-based MMO instead of just MMO, it’s the paying subscribers and the fact that you’re cannibalizing them or possibly alienating them that make a “version 2” risky.

Well this week’s quests were over in about 8 minutes. Booooooooring.

Not if you have 14 characters to do them on :smiley:

I do have 13 toons that are 110 (min. ilvl 210 +/-), but since there’s no class specific gear like there was before Legion, IMO there’s no reason to take all of them thru the lead-in quests.

That’s good to hear, thank you. Back in the day I did like a good AV. But lately, my AV matches seemed to all fall in the same predictable pattern with people not defending properly against back-caps.

My only suggestion is the same one I offer in game: be that guy. It’s what I end up doing like 80% of my AV games.

There’s a new cinematic that focuses on Saurfang.


I cannot believe that this shit story made it thru committee meetings, etc.

I bet everyone is wondering why nobody else is defending.

It’s frustrating and infuriating to hear “people need to defend” from people who are rushing north (I play Horde, natch). It’s like hearing from General Plymkin or Zapp Brannigan ffs.

I used to love playing defense on my rogue back in the day. Go into stealth and hide until someone comes in to capture. Even better when I had one or two others joining me.

I also had a rogue and yeah, defending could be super fun, especially with multiple stealthed defenders.

“Ooh, undefended graveyard!” capturecapturecap– STABSTAB :smiley:

This week’s scenario was kind of cool but also seemed to end rather abruptly.

I’m fixing to play these on the Alliance side now, just to see what it’s like. I mean, it’s not like I expect it to make any more sense from that side that does from the Horde side, ya know what I’m sayin’?

I should get my CE on Monday to be ready for the Tuesday start of BfA. :smiley: