World of Warcraft General Discussion

I use renew all the time; sometimes when I’m in dire-emergency mode I can’t afford to spend a GCD on it but if it is up it makes keeping the tank topped off much much easier.

Also, since it doesn’t trigger Grace, it’s good for topping off non-tanks who’ve taken a hit that was too big to be healed by your glyphed PW:Shield but aren’t currently being pounded.

These two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Even if they move to a bigger venue, there’s no way they can accommodate everyone who wants to attend (the queue hit 20,000 in, what, five minutes?).

And they really should do something about resellers. Maybe require a name for every ticket at the time of purchase, which will be verified by ID at the convention.

Because most shitty players these days play DKs, and tanking means instant queues.

Still not where I’d like to be in terms of progression–the guild is shaking out some attendance and balancing issues. But it’s better than sitting on my ass all day, and I think things will be a lot better if we can ever get a good settled raid group.

PP25 is getting damned close. Probably would have had him a while back if we could get the right people to log on.

Haven’t seen Heroic LK yet, but I’ve had him bashing on me in 10m regular, and I’ve done adds on 25m regular. :smiley: Still have some gearing up to do before I can tank him on Heroic, methinks.

On this note, I finally got my paladin to 55 so I rolled a DK 'cause paladins are pretty boring and I didn’t really want to do 55 levels on a warrior.

So how does a DK tank between 58 and 79? Someone told me to just spam DnD, but even boosted that’s like 400 threat/sec for 10 seconds on a 15 sec CD. Mages throw 900 damage/sec AoE so that ain’t going to be enough. What do you use your other runes for considering you need to have B-F-U up every 15 to refresh DnD? It seems like blood boil is the local answer, but you’d have trouble keeping up diseases if you can’t use pestilence. Maybe get some death runes from death strike, but that’s lacking front-end threat since you’re at like the 10th GCD by the time those are back up.

I’m an idiot. 400 threat/sec/mob is tons. 900/sec/group, which is way under 400/mob.

lol DKs. So bad.

Okay, that was completely weird.

Queued my pally up for a random heroic, then took a flight from Dalaran to Unu’pe to do the fishing daily. The “Enter Dungeon” thing popped up while I was still in-flight (from Dal to Unu’pe, remember), and I clicked the button to enter.

Ended up in FoS. Shortly after starting the dungeon, I spotted:

[SERVER] Instance reset in 15:00

We managed to get through Bronjahm, but the timer finally ran out right before Devourer of Souls. Instance reset, group disbanded, I got logged out, and when I logged back in …

… I was at the inn next to the bank in SW, where my hearth is set.

Oh, and then apparently got the “Deserter Debuff”, because I wasn’t able to immediately requeue. Though for some reason, I’ve never seen that debuff icon on my screen those few rare times I’ve dropped from a group.

Mister Rik,

Wolkie’s “hearth” is set at The Sentinel Hill Inn!:D:D:D:D (hearth=heart!;))

Sorry, my friend, just couldn’t resist!:slight_smile:


Trying to add someone to the guild who’s name starts with a capital A with a circle over it. I swear I can’t find it on the character map, so could someone PLEASE tell me the code for that letter?




Thank you, my friend!:slight_smile:

I couldn’t SEE that halo she kept describing and she kept telling me 143.



Addon if you hate the XT pet. Unfortunately it mutes the boss as well, but you can’t have everything!

I neglected to level my 1st aid skills and now I want to.

I’m playing a 51 Rogue ho’s First Aid skills is 28/75 and all I can make is linen bandages

What do I need to buy from the AH to fully level up?

This is an excellent guide.

I only use Greater Heal when I have Borrowed Time up and I absolutely need a huge heal to land while Penance is on CD.

Oh yes, I forgot to list PoM. I use it on CD as well.

Yeah, PP25 definitely required us to change up our raid comp (specifically, to recruit some higher performing ranged DPS). Also, for our kills we’ve had a feral cat and ret paladin take a stack each to avoid any tank getting to 4 stacks, which is essentially wipe. Good luck on straightening out your attendance issues and getting him down.

As for Heroic LK, yeah, the guy hits like a truck. It’s a pretty insane fight, but really fun. It is a bit rough that these fights have basically been all about tanks gearing for EH and armor with avoidance being almost wasted itemization. I preferred when tanking required a better balance of stats, but so it goes.

Well, fingers crossed. I finally applied to a raiding guild with my Holy Pally. I was ready to just not even think about raiding until Cataclysm, but the Pally’s been coalescing extremely well and I’ve just been having a blast playing him. I got a referral to a small guild on Stormrage that badly needs new players, and I’m getting a good vibe off them. The guild leader in particular seems to have his head screwed on straight so far.

Of course, I goofed up when I mentioned in the app that I was undergeared and that I hoped they could still give me a chance. I said that because sometimes it seems like nobody will look at you twice unless you’ve already gotten the Kingslayer title or have a 6k gear score, and I was worried that I wouldn’t find a guild willing to work with me. Instead, I think it got taken as “I intend to use you guys to get me good enough gear to go to a more hardcore guild,” which is not what I wanted to say at all. :smack: These guys do two nights a week, 10 man, 6 to 9 pm my time, which is absolutely perfect. I just hope I didn’t screw it up.

If you feel you may be misunderstood, there’s no reason not to clarify your responses to them in a reply to your application thread (unless you don’t have permissions on their forums to do so). If you don’t have said permissions, go ahead and make a level 1 alt on their server (assuming it’s not the server your toon is currently on) and ask to speak with an officer in guild and clarify your statement. That, by itself, should show them how eager you are to raid with them and that you’re serious about it, as opposed to using them as a stepping stone to more “hardcore” guilds. As an officer in pretty much every raiding guild that I’ve ever been in, I know that the applicants who were undergeared but worth taking a chance on were those that wanted to a part of the guild and had the same mindset as the current membership. I believe it will go a long way for you to do either of the things I suggested above.

Good luck on getting in, and let us know how it goes. :slight_smile:

My server is one of those that is being shut down for 24 hours… I don’t know if I can hold out! sobs Pray for us!

Oh yes, I absolutely did so last night after the GL made a few (polite and justified) inquiries about me just being there for easy loot. Stayed up well past the time I should have been in bed to do so, in fact. :stuck_out_tongue: The GL hasn’t replied yet, but a couple of the guild members have already responded positively.

Me too - Windrunner is where my Alliance characters hang out; so I guess I’ll be playing Horde on Cairne this afternoon after work.

Grats to all especially SFG the Kingslayer.

I took the plunge and changed my UI to uninstall clique and use mouseover macros on my pally, not ventured into a 5 man yet just trying a few nights in Wintgergrasp. It’s much easier, I spent all my time levelling using key binds and not clicking so this feels more natural if you know what I mean.

Took my baby druid into RFC and SFK as dps as another guildy was tanking. A few posts back someone said druids are awesome and I have to agree, I saved a wipe in SFK by changing from cat to bear just as the tank died on the last boss. Druids can do everything.

Well, that was anticlimactic. I’m in. Didn’t even have to go through a trial run. :smiley: