World of Warcraft General Discussion

Yes, a thousand times yes. I love my mouseover macros when healing, I wouldn’t trade them for all the addons in the world.


In other news I had my first look at the Lich King fight last night! I was so excited!

Got a whisper from a guildy asking if any of my toons were free to do ICC10, I told him my shaman was free so he asked me to bring it in. It was an alts run just to have fun and see how far we could get. Went from Marrowgar to LK in about 4 hours with a couple hardmode attempts on select bosses.

I stayed until we hit Princes then I took a break to grab some food and came back in time to heal Sindragosa (The shield is a LIE!) and get in some attempts on the Lich King. Our paladin tank was new to the fight and kept making little mistakes during the transition phases that got a few people killed so we didn’t make much progress. Pretty awesome evening if I must say, came away with three upgrades, four once I turn in my frost badges, and both weekly quests.

Tonight is my weekly ICC10 group, we’re merging with the guilds 2nd ICC10 group which is lacking players so we’ll see how it goes.

Speaking of which …

I’ve got a toon over on Argent Dawn, a RP server.

Blackrock, a PVP server, is one of those that is down for 24 hours.

A large contingent of Blackrock players rolled level 1 gnomes on Argent Dawn, going so far as to actually form a guild, <Blackrock Exiles>, for no purpose but to spam-bomb Argent Dawn’s trade chat.

I, and many other Argent Dawn players, gave our right mouse buttons a vigorous workout reporting the spam. Somebody thought it would be funny if, once Blackrock comes back up, these people all find themselves with 72-hour account suspensions (though I somehow doubt Blizz will do that).

Hey, grats.

Heh…I predicted this. Over on the WoW LJ community, everyone on non-24-hour-service realms was posting sighs of relief and such, and I noted that they shouldn’t speak too soon, because the extended maintenance only means that the newbie zones and cities (and Trade chat) will be spambombed and duelbombed by very bored new toons from down servers.

Woooooo! **25-man Kingslayer! **Of course, I’m still missing Dreamwalker on 25, so I don’t have the full-completion achievement yet. :smack: It’s kind of weird that both achievements have the same title. I feel like you should get some sort of Kingslayer[sup]2[/sup] bonus. :smiley:

Hahaha, TPS values for low-level characters look so skewed. I think my *baseline *TPS these days tends to be 7k-8k, and I’m ususally running over 10k.

You only get it if you drop before your initial 15-minute debuff wears off. So if you’re good about giving groups a chance, you’ll never get it.

Future reference, here’s how I deal with those:

1.) Hit enter to bring up a new empty chat line. (Doesn’t matter what kind of chat it is–say, party, guild, etc.)
2.) Shift+click the person’s name from where they whispered me, spoke in a chat channel, etc. (E.g. [Crazyname] whispers: Hi it’s me! I would shift+click on [Crazyname].)
3.) The name is now entered in my chat line. I click in front of it to move my cursor, and then type **/ginvite **with a space after it.
4.) Hit enter, and voila! You’re done. :smiley:

Sooooo glad I’m not the only person who obsesses over guild apps. :smiley:

P.S. FWIW, I’m the mercenary who’ll play with assholes if it gets me progression. Cap actually wants to like the people he plays with. :smiley:

WOOHOO! Grats! Hope it turns out to be a good fit!

I also seem never to get it if I drop group when I’m dead.

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

I mock-hysterically wailed at my husband last night, "What will we do if we can’t play?! We’re going to break down and go to another server to create… gnomes! :eek: " This was a joke referring to a problem on our server years ago where only parts of the world were down, but those included all of our mains. Eastern Kingdom was open, so out of annoyance we created a couple of gnomes and messed about in the newb areas. This is where I discovered that I tend to laugh hysterically at the pained squeak! of a female gnome who’s been injured, which tends to not be conducive to living longer.

Yeah, Cap made a point of that last night too. :stuck_out_tongue: But I figured that wasn’t worth explaining, and it made my point nicely.

“Realm down” issues is exactly one of the reasons I have toons on multiple servers. I’ve never seen all of my servers down at the same time, outside of the regular Tuesday morning maintenance. I gotta wonder - do these players only have the one toon on one server?

Female draenei occasionally make the most adorable little high-pitched yelp when they’re injured as well.

Got griefed by a tank the other night – running HoS and we trigger the Brann event, and the tank immediately drops group. The rest of us are like, oh crap! The rogue shouts “I’m tanking!” and starts hitting things. I’m AoE healing like crazy, since everyone is taking aggro. Luckily, most of us were pretty well geared and a new tank showed up in the middle of the third or fourth wave. Must have been crazy from his perspective to zone into the middle of the event.

Brilliant. I love it when a group survives a griefer, or even a genuinely-dropped tank.

Excellent! :slight_smile:

I was kind of pleased with myself yesterday, speaking of griefing tanks–I just seriously upgraded my DK’s DPS gear (spent a lot of badges and picked up some offspec stuff in our ICC25 runs) so I was queuing as DPS to test out my rotation and get used to DPSing. I got Utgarde Pinnacle (always one of my favorites–love the place) and the tank immediately drops. “Sigh,” I say to myself. I didn’t really want to tank, but… I asked them if they wanted me to tank, saying my tank set is actually better than my DPS set. They said sure, why not? So I swapped over, everybody went “Wow!” when they saw my gear, and I told them I was happy to do it but that I didn’t like tanking heroics so if everybody could just calm down on the aggro a bit, we’d all have a good time. They agreed (it was a nice group), and we all had a great time plowing through the instance. Only two (single) deaths, and one of them wasn’t my fault (the rogue admitted it was his).

It’s nice to have the capability to tank if the real tank decides to be an ass.

Yeah, I think that once my human pally finishes putting her tanking set together I’ll start carrying it around with me, “just in case”. Hopefully, if I have to use it the rest of the group will be understanding when I tell them I have no tanking experience.

So far she has the T9 tank shoulders, gloves, and chest, some purple boots that I think dropped off the Devourer of Souls, an iLvl 200 crafted shield (Titansteel Shield Wall?), the tank sword from H:ToC, and a blue belt …

I do that all the time with my offset, “just in case.” The one time I didn’t, I was out doing quests when Guns poked me and asked me to heal a heroic. I had to run all the way back to Dalaran and grab my Holy set out of the bank, wasting a good bit of the group’s time. It’s only 14-15 items, not a huge deal when you’ve got four Frostweave Bags.

I would recommend getting some experience with the set before offering in such a situation, though. “A weapon you don’t know how to use is your enemy’s weapon,” and it’s no less true here. Throw on a tank set you’re unfamiliar with in a stressed situation (having to sub for a tank unexpectedly) and you’ll have a lot of trouble keeping the group alive.

Bet you felt like a complete badass for making it through. :smiley: Great work–there’s no way you’d make it through that gauntless tankless without awesome heals.

Yeah, IMO, if you have more than one spec, you might as well carry all your gear with you. I actually carry multiple tanking sets (at least two pieces for each slot) plus my DPS set with me at all times. Plus a cute vanity outfit. All of my bags are Glacial-sized (what’s that, 22 slots?), and two of them are *completely full *of gear (plus some spillover to another bag).

This. One way to get some (relatively) easy tanking experience is to queue as a tank for lower-level Northrend dungeons (the Nexus or whatever); you’ll get a sense of how to keep up your rotations while watching out for patrols and so on, and you’ll probably have a pretty easy time keeping everything going. Or go into a regular level 80 dungeon (Halls of Lightning is a relatively simple one) with some of your buddies who you group with regularly.

Also, soloing Strat is a good way to get a bit of practice keeping up your aoes and so forth without endangering other players.

This is how I learned many of my tank skills on my DK. Gathering up a big group of the aboms right before you get to Baron’s room is a great way to practice your rotation with mobs that are tough enough that they’ll last awhile, but easy enough that they won’t kill you while you whittle them down. (This is at 80, of course!)

Also, I can’t recommend TidyPlates/ThreatPlates more highly. That addon is amazing for tanks. It makes it laughably easy to tell if you have aggro on things (and what you don’t have aggro on). The only thing I don’t like about it is that sometimes it inexplicably stops working (like, one day I’ll be tanking and it’ll be fine, but the next time I log on, it isn’t enabled anymore and I can’t figure out what’s changing it.) Other than that, though, it’s great.

w00t! We’re Not Retreating, We’re Advancing in a Different Direction!

I thought, “Oh yay, HoR for my first heroic of the day again.” Turned out to be the absolute best group I’ve ever done it with - not one single death at any point (not even any near-deaths). Tank and healer were outstanding, and everybody seemed to know exactly what to do :smiley:

Yeah, I have 2 Glacial Bags and a Frostweave Bag. Also a bigass enchanting bag that I should probably put in a bank slot instead.

Sadly, Tidlyplates is acting weird for me lately. Every so often it will randomly scale up the nameplates to 200% or something, which is distracting and covers the screen. This was especially problematic in Ony10, when I was near the offtank and the massive group of whelps. My screen was nothing but whelp nameplates. I can’t figure out why it’s doing that, either. I might have to revert to an earlier version if I can find the proper archive.