world's greatest public speaker

The “Here’s Johnny” thread reminded me of this:

In my 9th grade (1986) public speaking class we had to give a speech on who we thought was the greatest public speaker in history. Most people took more obvious choices - Churchill, Hitler, Jefferson (I think). I chose Johnny Carson, and my speech went over pretty well.

Who do you think fits that title? The criteria are pretty much whatever you want them to be – oratory skills, influence, etc.

Hitler would have to up there for a motivational speaker.

For quality of content I’d have to put Abe Lincoln near the top of the list. The Gettysburg Address alone should place him near the top.

I’ve also always been partial to Ralph Waldo Emerson. He gave a great speech to Harvard’s (I think) graduating class not to mention a bevy of other material he wrote.

Mario Cuomo, no two ways about it.

I had ZERO respect for Mr. Cuomo as a governor, far less for him as a talk show host, and I wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher. But I’d pay to hear him get up before a crowd and read the phone book! There aren’t many brilliant orators out there, but he’s at the top of a very short list.

I would have to say Martin Luther King Jr. In the speeches I’ve heard him make, even through the seperation of tv or radio, his voice would have me in tears. So much strength. So much powerful emotion.

Dick Gregory.

i worked a catering gig, a big demo fundraiser at dianne feinsteins house. clinton was there and spoke after dinner. even the most jaded queen among us (and there were a few) hung on his every word. he was magic.

i once listened to a tape of jesse jackson’s famous speech, im pretty sure it is from the 1984 demo convention. its pretty amazing.


Ancient Greek orator who was born with a severe speech impediment. (possible folklore, but what the hey, it makes for a good story) Demosthenes packed his mouth full of pebbles and shouted against the roar of rivers to become a better speaker. He spoke out against the reign of King Philip of Macedon.

Hmm…apparently he wasn’t that great of an orator. Not many bothered to listen to him.