Worse smell:pot smoke or cigarette smoke?

Me, too. As Bill Bryson put it, when it’s just far enough away that you sniff the air and say, “Is that a skunk?”

I also like the smell of fresh horse manure, gasoline, mothballs, and hot asphalt.

Cigarette smoke, fresh or stale, reeks horribly.

I voted for Marijuana, but will clarify: the immediate stench of pot bothers me much more than cigarette smoke. BUT cigarette smoke lingers in my clothes a lot longer, and requires me to wash everything I wore around the cigarette smokers.

It depends on my mood at the time. For the most part, I prefer the smell of pot to that of cigarettes. However, as a former cig smoker, I’ve never really, totally lost the love for em. I like to say that I’ll always be a smoker, just a smoker who abstains. So occasionally I’ll get nostalgic and really enjoy the smell.

I liked the scent of cigarette smoke when I was a child. When I grew up and became a smoker, it annoyed me that it no longer smelled good to me. Its scent seemed to have changed. I also noticed that I really couldn’t smell it much any more. Now that I have not smoked for six years, I really don’t like it. The worst is when a heavy smoker walks by with a pack’s worth of reek in his clothes. Odor fatigue still works, however. I go to a casino sometimes where smoking is allowed. Once I’m in there for awhile, I don’t notice it.

Marijuana doesn’t smell as bad as tobacco does.

I read some where that an acquired taste is just Stockholm Syndrome for the taste buds. I guess it works faster because of the visceral rewards coffee, beer, tobacco, and pot provide.

Cigarettes by a million miles. Fresh, stale, doesn’t matter.

I don’t like either. Cigarette stench is much worse than pot stench.

Pot is nauseating, tobacco is choking and burning. Tobacco is worse I think.

I’m an ex-smoker of tobacco. Tried pot many times but it just makes me anxious and nauseous.

Hate the smell of cigarettes these days. And if I gave up, so can everyone else.

But I don’t mind the smell of pot smoke. Smells better than coffee, that’s for sure.

Weed that people used to smoke back in the 80s smelt like burnt sage. The stuff they smoke these days smells like burnt rectum. Cigarette smoke is probably better, but that depends on the type and brand.

Pot smoke smells bad, but in a good way (if that makes sense). Like if I’m in a room full of pot smoke, that means I’m either high or about to get high, so I have no complaints.

ETA: A truism about pot is that, the worse it smells, the better it is (up to a point). If you aren’t knocked out by the smell of dank as soon as you open the bag, you probably don’t have a very good batch. If it smells like a skunk died of an anus infection and rotted in the Florida sun for six days, you’ve got some good pot.

I describe it as a disgusting stench vs a wonderful aroma.

When I first moved to the DC area, I shared a house with a smoker, but that was mostly okay since her room was upstairs, she rarely smoked when I was in the room with her and opened the window if she did.

Then we got a third house-mate, in the room across the hall from mine. It seemed like she and her boyfriend were at the bong every day. The smell made me nauseous and the smoke irritated my eyes in a way cigarette smoke didn’t. I wound up moving out.

Reading over this thread I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s pretty much a “your own farts…”, kind of thing. Especially for marijuana. If you partake in & enjoy its intoxicating effects then the smell is going to quickly become hard-wired in your brain as being associated with pleasant things (smell is the most memory-linked sense).

Cigarettes are similar, but not as much. The effect of one cigarette isn’t as strong as marijuana, so a cigarette’s smell will probably never seem as pleasant, but smokers definitely become oblivious to its stench. And similarly I think that pot smokers also definitely become unaware of marijuana’s pungent odor.

Best way I can think of it is to compare them to coffee. I love the smell of coffee, the beans, the grounds, the brewing etc. But I find the taste of the actual liquid disgusting. Un-burnt tobacco actually has a mildly pleasant smell, but lighting it just turns it into stale-smelling smoke from a fire…

I haven’t smelled pot smoke recently (read: since 1980), but I remember it as having a sweetish, grassy smell that I actually kind of liked. Whether the new pot smells like that, I don’t know.

Cigarette smoke is OK if it’s fresh, but after about 90 seconds it turns ashy and gross. So I’m gonna have to say ciggies are worse.

I (and many others) are allergic to marijuana smoke. So REALLY bad for me! (And the people who smoke it think they need to force it upon others WHO DO NOT WANT IT!)

They’re both nasty, but only one of them actually makes me throw up, so my vote has to go with “actual nausea” and therefore pot smoke.

I’m not fond of either (and one of the happiest days of my married life was when my husband finally smoked his last Marlboro), but of the two, only pot smoke has forced me to leave places I’d paid to get into. I’ve lost track of the number of concerts I’ve had to leave precipitously because someone lit up a joint nearby - I no longer go to concerts because of this.

For me, pot is immediately much worse, but stale tobacco really lingers. Pot also doesn’t smell anything like skunk to me, and I like the smell of skunk. I hate the smell of clove cigarettes most of all.

They don’t call it “stink weed” or “skunk weed” for nothing you know.
I don’t care for either one, but I HATE the smell of burning pot.

Obviously, but I’ve never smelled any pot that really reminded me of skunk. And, while I can’t say I was a habitual user, I did my fair share. It’s a distinctive smell, no doubt. Just never connected it with skunk.