Worst album covers ever!

Did you see the song titles on that album?

1 Lost Inside Yourself 1:35
2 Death Porn 0:25
3 Sprayed by Cans of Shit 0:28
4 Gorebortion 0:19
5 Tuan Tran: Murderer/Rapist? 0:15
6 Uncompromising Sexual Harassment at Work, Home, and in Public 0:52
7 Harvesting the Cunt Nectar 0:33
8 Skeleton Toucher 0:33
9 Desperately Craving Anal Attention 1:37
10 Fist-Fuck Death Grip 0:14
11 Buying a DVD Player (Then Raping You With my Old VHS Tapes) 0:16
12 Albukkake, NM 0:37
13 A Knife Called Pussylicker 0:29
14 Prowler in the Shower 1:07
15 The City and the World 0:28
16 Catholic Slut 0:34
17 2nd Ranked Phallic Offense VS. 26th Ranked Vaginal Defense 0:17
18 Eat Your Entrails and my Kult Ejaculant 0:32
19 The Moment You Start to Enjoy It, It’ll Get Worse 1:09
20 Priest in the Preschool 0:21
21 Semen for the Basement Slaves 0:23
22 Slut Killer 1:08
23 Baptized in Semen and Steel 0:50
24 Sunrise is a Lie 0:15
25 Failing to Contain the Gore Fountain 0:53
26 Fucked by Lightning 0:38
27 If I Dismember Your Cunt, Are You Still a Virgin? 0:37
28 Only Those Who Eat the Feces Will be Spared 1:10
29 Tangible Expression of Hate 0:25
30 Diagnosis - Zombie Slut Rape 0:40


The Google ad that came up on that page cracked me right up, though:

“Existential Self Help: Why are you the way you are?”

Even Google thinks they have problems!

I’ve seen a bunch of these lists, but I think this is the first one I’ve seen that didn’t include the Joyce album. And it includes an album I actually own–the Zao one, which is pretty fucking good (for an album with a bunch of naked Frenchmen on the cover), though not one of their best.

The latter list should’ve included (don’t click if you’re squeamish) Dawn of the Black Hearts by Mayhem, which features in full color a photo of the lead singer’s suicide-by-knife-and-shotgun. One of his bandmates took the photo upon discovering the body, then took a few skull fragments to make into necklaces. I’m thinking this one even puts #49 to shame.

Ew! (why did I feel I had to click on that??)

Colbert had Hall on and ribbed him about the album. Hall was a good sport about it. Hey, it was the '70’s.

Here’s an article with a bit more info on the mysterious Joyce.

It’s a very popular album, but somebody must have been REALLY BAKED on primo mescalino when they green-lighted this album cover. It has NOTHING to do with the contents of the album.

(Fleetwood Mac’s “Mystery to Me.”)

Oh, god, that next-to-last image is hilarious.

No list of bad albums (and major suckitude in general) is complete without the immortal Love Beach.

I’d like to see what the fellas were up to just before taking this shot on Orleans’ Walking and Dreaming, and what they got into afterward.

Someone already beat you to the punch! See post 12.

As for what they got into afterwards, I’d say there was a good chance that it involved Samuel Delaney.

D’oh, watching undercard of De La Hoya and overlooked that one, mea culpa.

And special bonus track 31, “Don’t Worry Be Happy”.

Satan is Real.
Julie’s Sixteenth Birthday

I’d be more upset that the album is apparently about fifteen minutes long :smiley:

Hah, maybe 20 years ago. Julie is looking a bit old timey.

Or, No Orthodontists in Hell.

This is what I thought the OP was linking to. It doesn’t have as many images, but it does have commentary. Snarky, snarky commentary.

I don’t think it’s you Julie has to be worried about.