Let’s try again, if that’s ok with you, Mr. Hacker…
Many brilliant authors sometimes release work that is not up to their full potential. We all know that some books can be wonderful, while others are just ok. However, sometimes an author of incredible books releases an absolute stinker. Share with us your least favourite book by your most favourite author.
For me, it’s The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice. I really enjoyed all her other Vampire books, but Armand… well… bites. She’s taken her love of shocking people, and made that the whole goal of the book - to shock. Not to entertain, not to challenge, just to shock. The result is a book that is a waste of space, time and money. In MY humble opinion, it also took Anne Rice from slightly-kooky-good-author to try-hard-shock-author (that’s like a shock jock, but with pens and paper). If Armand had been the first book I’d ever read that was written by Anne Rice, I would never have read another of her books. As it is, she’s dropped from “Must Buy Upon Release” to “Must borrow from library before committing funds to purchasing”.
Share with us your disappointment in a favourite author who released a clunker of a book.