Worst Food You've Ever Seen Ordered?

Oops - I just noticed the title of the thread was actually “Worst food you’ve ever seen **ordered”. ** I’ll get it right next time. :rolleyes:

Worst food I’ve ever seen ordered? It looked pretty harmless when Mr. Silver1’s friend ordered it while we were all out eating together. “Marrow Soup”, he called it. Mr. Silver1 later told me what was in it. Blech! :smack:

Ooooh, what was the restaurant called? My dad lives in Forest Hills, and if I ever wanted to play an evil prank on my stepmom, this would definitely be it…

I mean, it’s ridiculous. They live no more than 20 minutes from pretty much every kind of cuisine on the planet, and most of the time when they go out to eat, it’s Sunday breakfast at the T-Bone, a disgusting little greasy spoon diner on Queens Blvd. And it’s not even a good disgusting little greasy spoon.

At least Dad was game when I took him out for kosher Uzbek food in Rego Park - my stepmom refused, so we let her eat her nice, boring tuna sandwich at home. She doesn’t know what she missed.

And re: the OP: when I was in high school, I worked at an ice cream parlor called Swensen’s. The things people wanted me to do to perfectly good ice cream were positively criminal. Would you believe a daiquiri ice malt, with butterscotch syrup?

My uni’s food service offers “cheeseburger pizza”. It’s not bad, but in lieu of tomato sauce, they use ketchup. And it’s got pickles on it. Oh, well, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but one slice would have been more than sufficient to take care of any cheeseburger pizza needs I may have for the next millennium.


I don’t remember the name – it was a nice place on the main shopping street, downstairs from a mexican place, across the street from a ‘Mardi Gras’ themed place (cajun food). I remember it was in the same building as some congressperson. This was last century (1999), so the landmarks likely may have changed. Sorry.

Once I was at Benihana’s in South Florida with some friends, where you sit around a hibachi table and the chef puts on an elaborate show of preparing your food. Anyway, the people on the other side of the table from us were rude and boorish, constantly laughing at the Japanese chef and calling him “boy.” Then one of the women asked for a bottle of ketchup and proceeded to drown her food in it. We were disgusted, but the chef was really insulted and put on a crummy show for the rest of the time.

In heaven there is no beer. That’s why we drink it here.

As for me, I think chili cheese fries take the prize. They taste great, but they look like something that’s been eaten once already and is not eager to go through the experience again.

Actually, that combo doesn’t sound that bad to me. Although I would limit the mayo to holding the tuna together and probably throw a dash of mustard and black pepper too.

I used to love liverwurst and havn’t had it in years.

Oo, I’d forgotten about the lutefisk. That stuff was nasty.

Blood (black) sausage sounds icky (to Americans, anyway) but is delicious.

I am known for putting strange stuff on my popcorn. My favorite is butter, worchestershire sauce, salt, garlic powder, freshly grated cheddar and a pinch of sugar.

Seconded. I’ll eat anything once, and I’m strangely fascinated by offal and other organ meats. When I tried blood sausages at an Argentinian churrascuria, I was really impressed. Nice and savory. Luckily, in Florida you can buy them at Publix supermarket and just heat them up yourself at home!

My boss and I were talking about odd food combinations just the other day. She told me her son once ordered a grape slush at Sonic - and told them to add bacon! How gross is that?

I haven’t personally heard this one, but an article in (I think) People magazine related a story about a manager at a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store who put everything. So his employees made him up a tub of Ketchup Ice Cream.

No one would eat it. Including the manager.

Japanese restaurant. Live baby octopi. You ate them by dipping a chopstick into the container and when one latched on and started crawling up the stick, you hauled it out, dipped it in sauce and chowed down.

I’m really curious to know what it tasted like. Tell please.

And I’ve heard of marmite, but what is it?

Bacon makes everything taste better. Everything.

It’s a yeast spread, and I don’t like it. There seem to be country specific versions, for example see the New Zealand version or the English one.

And regarding the OP, how about chicken feet at a yum chai restaurant. Gross me out!

Kiwi Fruit

A roasted hog head with the eyeballs intact.

When my brother was studying abroad in Estonia, he went to a cafeteria and picked out dish he thought was a bowl of green pistachio pudding with bits of pistachio nuts. Turned out to be some sort of fish “whipped and blended” with some other ingredients to the consistency of pudding. The unpleasant sensation you get when your tongue expects one thing and gets the complete opposite caused him to hurl in front of his new Estonian friends. He was quite grossed out and embarrassed. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what he said the dish was called.

Okay, I’m hoping some of you are pulling our collective leg, here. LIVE food? That’s just…ew.

Two pages and no one’s mentioned head cheese. I watched my stepbrother order and happily eat the stuff.
