Sidecar toe is what I call it when the pinkie toe doesn’t fit under the straps of the sandal and hangs out like an open flesh wound. Overhang is when the toes do not fit on the sandal and hangs past the end of the shoe.
Sidecar squicks me out. It just looks oogie to me. Hubby hates overhang much more because he can picture how filthy those toes are.
Summer is coming! Tell the world-- or perhaps just The Dope-- to stop committing sandal crimes.
Sandals, especially strappy, high-heeled, ankle-strap dressy/sexy sandals, with socks. Not knee-high nylons or trouser socks either but I’m talking white gym socks, heavyweight chunky wool socks, and 80’s style scrunch socks.
I remember walking through NYC last fall and seeing innumerable young women walking around in sexy evening sandals and sweat socks and thinking WHYYYYYYYYYYY!?!
That toe overhang icks me out, if you mean on the front. I see men wearing slide-type sandals with their toes practically gripping the front part. WHY?
The weird baby toe bothers me less because people frankly have no control over what their feet and toes look like. But you can control how you put on your sandal! Wear it right, dammit! :mad:
Spiringtime, how fortunate for you to live in such a sandal crime-free area! Where would that be?
I live in the NYC area and have not seen many sandals with cotton sox. What I do see a lot of are flip-flops with gym sox. You’d think that would be physically impossible, but it ain’t. Waitaminit. After further thought, I do recall seeing sox with sandals. It is mostly men. And mostly nylon.
I don’t wear cute shoes in any season. Whenever I have had a misguided attack of “I should be more dainty” I’ve never found sandals that I can wear without sidecar toe on my left foot, so it’s back to clogs for me.
My commute takes me through the middle of a university campus. I see flip flops on snowy days and Uggs on the hottest days. I don’t understand how flip flops can be comfortable for a whole day. I need arch support. Sigh.
I couldn’t decide how to vote in the poll because to me any sign of the sandal not fitting is bad. Couldn’t choose which one is worse.
Oh god, overhang makes my stomach lurch just a tiiiny bit each time. Especially if it’s a “friend of a friend” and we’re standing in a group, I try to stand far away from them. Why? Because I’m terrified that I’ll bump into them and they’ll slash their toes on the pavement.
I don’t mind unpedicured feet all that much, but one of my coworkers has the most gnarled, hideous gargoyle feet with Frito-looking toenails and it makes me dry-heave every time she wears sandals. Which she does quite often, in temperate weather.
Feet don’t bother me at all. In fact, I feet-watch in the warmer months while on the subway or bus to pass the time. I don’t hold it against people if their toes are gnarly or if their bunions pop out between the straps or if their toes sway all the way over to one side. You can’t help the way your feet were made.
But overhang and sidecar AND long fingernail length toenails-- thanks for reminding me Poysyn– are just nasty.
For me it’s people who pay NO attention to the way their feet look and then insist on wearing sandals.
Huge callouses. Gross dead skin. Heels black with dried grossness. Uneven, untrimmed toenails. Any type of unchecked fungus.
Look, if you have the ugliest feet in the history of the universe and elect to do NOTHING to tidy them up, fine, but at least keep those bitches covered up. Ugh.
I can’t really picture the sidecar thing, honestly. Do you have a picture? I voted for the overhang. It’s quite bizarre to me that people would choose to have parts of their feet dragging on the ground when they’re wearing shoes. Strange decision.
Oh whew. I thought you hated me, Biggirl. I have a side toe, not “sidecar.” As in, the baby toe is turned sideways. It does not line up with the older brothers, but sort of hugs the side. If that makes sense.
I didn’t vote because I don’t look at other people’s feet. That’d be weird.
But I’m perplexed why some people think one shouldn’t wear socks with sandals. Why not? I like sandals because they’re cool and comfortable. I like socks because they protect my feet from scrapes and dirt. They seem to be a perfect combination to me.