Worst TV show of all time

Strangely enough, this show has a rather devoted cult following as well. Lee Van Cleef as a ninja is worth the price of admission alone!

I stumbled across Two and a Half Men once, not knowing what it was. I honestly thought it was a dead pan parody of bad sitcoms. Once I realized that they were actually trying to be funny with the material as presented, I knew I had seen the worst show ever.

Homeboys in Outer Space is what I came here to say. I have no idea about the other one, but if you put the two shows in the same category, then I can only imagine.

I think I was like 12 when Homeboys in Outer Space made its triumphant debut, and even then I remember wondering WTF?

Now, the other WTF show that I remember, I don’t even know the name, I just remember that for some reason we had the pilot on a beta tape in the early-mid 80s. I know it didn’t last long. But I liked it at the time (I was like 3 or 4, but for some reason I remember it to this day). Anyway, there was a boy and an alien type thing named Fuzzbucket. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

That was the show that taught me, as a kid, that cars can be crushed into a cube*. That and the fake ventriloquist act are nearly the only things I remember from that show.

I remember really liking knowing that cars can be crushed into cubes.

  • or rectangular cuboid for the picky

I was just a kid but I remeber the show as well, good call on the cube!

Fuzz Bucket?

Did y’all have a collective case of Repressed Memory Syndrome?
What about Manimal?

That’s almost word-for-word what I say every time I see a commercial for Parks and Recreation. I watched most of an episode when it was new to see if it was good - it wasn’t. It was awful. It was embarrassing for anyone involved with it. And then it was renewed. And my faith in humanity slipped one more notch.

Are we talking tv shows from all over, or just American tv? I’d put the stuff Canadian tv puts out up against the worst American tv can put out any day - for example, The Littlest Hobo. (A show about a German Shepherd dog who roams the countryside, doing stuff.)

(Mind you, I want this t-shirt now.)

I am willing to concede that The Man Show is merely the worst TV show I have personally ever seen. Sure. I’ve never seen either of the two other shows you mentioned, for example. Also, if I recall correctly The Man Show immediately followed The Daily Show and suffered massively in comparison, so maybe that’s influencing my opinion a little bit. I can tell you that of the few episodes I watched, I didn’t laugh once.

Tim & Eric is hit or miss, but at least once in a while it’ll show something that’s fall-on-the-floor funny (like “B’Owl”); and when it’s bad, at least it’s short.

I came this close to Pitting you…until I found out that you were referring to The New Littlest Hobo.

I came here to post (and was sure someone had beaten me to it) Pink Lady and Jeff.

Yeah, I was referring to the Kimmel/Carolla episodes. I never watched it after they left, but I heard it sucked.

Cavemen, based on the Geico commercials, was pretty bad. I saw one episode. I have not seen most of the others mentioned here.

I liked Manimal… but in my defence I was 7 or 8 at the time.

Will and Grace.

An old Adult Swim show called “Sealab 2021” (one of the greatest tv shows of all time) did a parody of it where it had the three characters just looking at each other and saying “gay gay gay gay gay gay” “gay gay gay?” “gay gay gay gay”.

And that’s all the show was, gay jokes and whatever the hell the short fat one was talking about.

Quitcherbitchin’ the answer is obviously Cop Rock even as a kid seeing the commercial I knew it would be cancelled.

According to Jim

Oh, god…I was flabbergasted when I came across it a couple years ago and thought, “This thing is STILL ON?!” It has since, mercifully, become defunct, but damn…even Courtney Thorne-Smith fappers can’t really explain the length of its run.

How about one of the worst talk shows, or one of the worst reality shows?

Okay, winning a few Emmys doesn’t mean that the show is the best ever, but I suggest that it eliminates the show from being the “worst of all time”.

Not sure if the first quote is serious, but it seems to be. (Or it’s some kind of inside joke.)

Malcolm in the Middle was nominated for 33 Emmys and won 7.
Everybody Loves Raymond was nominated for 63 Emmys and won 14, including Outstanding Comedy Series, twice.
Two and a Half Men was nominated for 30 Emmys, and won 4.
Will & Grace was nominated for 83 Emmys and won 16, including Outstanding Comedy Series.