Think of the two worst words you could put together.
My vote:
Scrotum rip.
Think of the two worst words you could put together.
My vote:
Scrotum rip.
I had a really awful pair once, even though it was green on the outside the skin was too hard and the inside was tasteless.
I really prefer the canned ones.
Are you speaking of PEARS, friend? Or am I just confused for no apparent reason.
I think maybe “honest men”, because it in itself is a lie.
Testicle piercing.
sorry I’m just board and playing with homonyms. Don’t mind me.
Wang needle.
Nipple scissors
“Have you ever heard of this underground trend of using womens’ breast milk to produce, and eat, human cheese?”
Acck. Human cheese!
Not sure this quite applies but I recently saw a picture of two women holding a sign at a protest.
“Lesbians against Bush”
Is this not a contradiction in terms?