Here is the deal—
Own a 5 year old Windows ME (supposedly really all it is is a Windows 98 redone to its last legs before XP came out. ---------- (OK I bought an over the hill lemon 5 years ago—so shoot me)
The 5 year old ME is getting seriously flaky. Almost never shuts down anymore without me having to “pull the switch” and when turn on again go through the old “improper shut down, looking for errors” crapola. Over and over again. Plus it has gotten slow as hell. I have always heard that a 5 year old computer is, by definition, a dinosaur. Good for the trash bin and nothing else. Correct or not?
Thinking about just buying a new 'puter. I have a good moniter, a good keyboard, a good mouse, good speakers. All I really need is the 'puter part (forget its name right now---------OK I just remembered the term-- a CPU)
Does anyone just sell the 'puter part? Or do you have to buy the whole nine yards every time?
Main question here. -------
---- I am sick to death of Windows and its problems and its occasional “blue screen of death”.
Thinking of buying an Apple computer this time out.
I know one advantage of Windows is all the auxiliary software. -------I have almost no auxiliary software, doubt that will ever change. All I really want is to be able to go on the internet reliably and get off the internet reliably with no problemo. I don’t play games so could give a crap about that part.
So why wouldn’t Apple be a better choice for me than Windows next time out?
And could I keep my old perfectly working HP monitor, my perfectly working HP keyboard, my perfectly working HP mouse my perfectly working Radio Shack speakers---------and just buy a damned Apple CPU at a reasonable price?
And, if so ------what do you all think that a reasonable price would be for the best and most powerful and most reliable Apple CPU?------a chip within greater than God?
Or am I completely confused about the whole 'puter thing?
If so -----please straighten me out. Thanks in advance.