Would everyone please give a warm SDMB welcome to our new member, Warble!!

I suppose that Warble will be along at some point. I left her a message on a snowflake saying that I’d started this thread. I assume she’ll be by soon enough…

Psst, av8rmike! Be careful what you wish for… you might get it!

:: Goes cauthiously Downstairs to check on the Thing. And The Door. ::

You know, saying that you’ve left a message for someone on a snowflake sounds very surreal. Poetic, maybe, but surreal.

Or maybe it sounds impossibly high-tech James Bond-ey. Like, the technology is developed that allows people data to be stored in patterns of crystallized hydrogen bonded sets of water molecules. Those sets of message-bearing water molecules could then be smuggled across borders, etc., disguised as regular old, randomly formed snowflakes.

Or maybe these musings are merely products of the fact that I need some sleep. Or some caffeine. Or both. You can have both, after all, but trying to have them both at the same time can be kind of challenging. Unless you’re in Brazil, where some people drink incredibly strong tiny cups of coffee to help them sleep. But all of this is totally irrelevant. (It isn’t irrelevant–it’s a hippopotamus!)

Enough already. Back on topic.

peers around door

So, is Warble ready for… the initiation?

Well, if Warble is …otherwise occupied, perhaps we can sufficiently appease the monster-gods… er, I mean, perform a suitable if somewhat-belated welcome for av8rmike?

:: Sunspace pauses, hoping this really doesn’t open a can of worms. Or something. ::

Thank you for your warm introduction and welcome. I have no idea what I’m doing as yet, but the bizarre initiation rites and pie sound good. The bar was the first place I visited. I’m much calmer now and ready for the chickens. I was told I’d need chickens. So now what?

No, no, no. The chickens are for later.

Somebody get the goat.
Welcome aboard!


Okay, now I’m nervous.

Oh, and av8rmike, much like celebrities, some people need no introduction or welcome. They’re just universally loved, appreciated and accepted. How was that for a new girl kiss-up? :smack:

You should be, Warble. You should be. eg

(Welcome! smooch)