Would it be evil for me to give Jehovah Witnesses handouts from JWFacts.com when they come here?

I don’t see why it would be evil at all. They’re sharing their beliefs and their literature. Why shouldn’t you?

I placed quartz crystals around my property. And if the JW’s ever cross the “field”/ I’ll tell them about it. So far , they have sensed the energy field , And I have not been bothered.
They are very superstitious about crystal energies.
Try it!

Maybe they are just rightfully weary of overly superstitious people like you?

Yeah. Instead you insult their mothers. Much classier.

I have done research in various Watchtower publications. So far as I know, if an error was made, a subsequent publication has stated, “We stand corrected.” They use, and acknowledge, various outside sources, and I have done likewise: An elder once asked me to research (long before the era of the Internet), in various encyclopedias, the source of the cross. (I still have the results of that research.)

Not when they predicted the end of the world on a certain date, and that date came and went.

Even Harold Camping admitted he was wrong, but the Watchtower didn’t.

(If I’m wrong here, I will…admit it! But I’ve read the Watchtower for years, and never saw a correction regarding those predictions.)

Tell us more about this Pauline. Don’t keep me hanging!!

I’m pretty sure that was the point.

Speaking of names, dougie_monty, why would a JW choose a name that brings to mind “the full monty.” Are you a closet nudist?

It’s a shortening of his real name.

Golly, no. That rope must really be chafing you.
In this context, pal, Pauline simply means “of Paul.” To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, don’t bother looking for Ms. Pauline. :slight_smile:

No! If you had seen a particular thread a while back, you would know that I made the username from a shortened version of my regular name.

And what’s the point of being nude in a closet? :smiley:

To get dressed in private?

I helped my girlfriend stop the JW visits and she never knew it. I was visiting her when she was home from college for the summer and her parents had gone camping for the weekend. As I drove down her street I passed a couple middle-aged ladies who were pulling bibles and pamphlets out of the trunk of a car and handing the pamphlets to a girl who must have been around kindergarten-aged. I figured they’d arrive at my girlfriend’s place in about an hour.

I continued driving and parked in front of my girlfriend’s house. As I approached my girlfriend’s front door I looked up and noticed I could look through the window above the door and clearly see where the stairway from the foyer met the second floor. It wasn’t visible from the street, but if you were following the little cement walkway from the driveway to the door you could look up at just the right moment…

I knocked, she answered the door wearing only a T-shirt, and I handed her the spiffy calculator she wanted to borrow for some courses she was planning to take in Autumn. Then I leaned in close and said, “How long until your parents get back?”

“Two days.” she grinned at me, then turned and led the way into the house, “Where do you want me?”

I thought for a moment as I followed her upstairs, and then a sudden inspiration came to mind. As I passed the landing half-way up the stairs, I grabbed her hip, pointed at the top step, and said, “Right there!”

She looked to where I was pointing, then at me, and grinned, “My! Aren’t we feeling adventurous!”

“You’ll never know.” I grinned back.

We spent the couple hours exploring positions and possibilities, taking into account the structure and layout of the top landing of the stairs. At one point we heard a distant shriek and she stopped to ask, “Was that you?”

“I don’t think so.” I told her, “At least not consciously.”

When I stayed for dinner the next weekend, my girlfriend’s mother noted, “The Smiths next-door say the whole neighborhood got Witnessed last Saturday. Did you see them?”

“I was here all day.” My girlfriend shrugged, “Nobody rang our doorbell.”

Years later, I overheard my girlfriend’s* father saying, “The Smiths asked me how we keep the JW’s away, but I have no idea why they don’t come around any more.”

*By that time, we had broken up, but we’ve always remained friends.

Yeah, but you can’t see what you’re doing!

Am I the only one who wondered why this submission didn’t start with:
Dear SDMB Forum,
I never I’d be writing to the Forum, but this really did happen…

The reason I would consider this different is because I legitimately believe the JWs are a harmful cult.

The guy who is going door to door selling newspapers or whatever knows what the deal is. To me, it is sad that there are JWs who really don’t know a lot about the history of their organization and the devious things the JWs have done to their followers.

I want to make sure I understand your view correctly. Are you saying that you don’t see anything wrong with stories like these:

Taken from this collection of stories of people being shunned

My concept of God includes charity to others, not rejection and hurting others.

Those poor oppressed drinkers (“normal”? In a pig’s eye!), and unwed mothers…how dare anyone reproach them? :rolleyes:

Your third paragraph puzzles me. Do you mean the Witnesses hated someone who had Down syndrome? I used to know a Witness family with a son like that…

Kicking someone out of their church and then kicking a 16 year old out of the house is far from ‘reproaching’ them.

And here I thought the church I grew up was legalistic.