From a thread about Jehovah’s Witnesses (because of course it is), talking about the victims of shunning and the reasons for it:
“Drinkers”? Um, what? First of all, there’s absolutely fuck-all wrong with casual alcohol use if you aren’t hurting anyone. And this person probably isn’t some alcoholic; it’s a teenager who, for all we know, got drunk one night at a party. You know, dumb teenager stuff. The kind of mistakes (although I seriously hesitate to call it that!) people make when they’re that age. And the result was a 16-year-old being shunned by their family, kicked out of their home, and living on the street.
Let me just put this into perspective for you.
You are trying to justify throwing a child out on the street and cutting off almost all of their social and familial contacts for drinking alcohol and having premarital sex.
What the fuck is wrong with you?!
And you wonder why we find you and the cult you belong to reprehensible. This wasn’t even a moral issue (save perhaps for the issue of self-harm with drugs) until the shunning started. From an ethical standpoint, this person did nothing wrong, and yet suffered greatly for it. And the “unwed mother” thing? Fuck your overbearing sexual “morality”. She was engaged, it’s not immoral or unreasonable to have children without being married or even in a relationship, and for her to be cut off from her entire family and many of her friends for that? You want to justify that by judging her as immoral? By pointing out how she did this eeeevil thing that justifies reproach? Reproach is one thing, this is ostracism in an extreme and damaging way for extremely minor offenses - or even just a lack of constant participation and engagement! “Judge not, lest thee be judged” indeed. I’m sorry, but the fact that you think the above is okay is a testament to how complete your moral failings are.
This is a bit of a low blow, but is it any wonder? You’re part of an exclusionary cult and hold opinions that many would quite reasonably consider abhorrent. Your circle of friends is basically limited to the cross-section between JWs and people who can put up with obnoxious, pedantic, thuggish, immoral douchebags. If I knew you, I’d probably stop communicating with you. Not because my religion demands it. Not because you did something minor. But because you’re in an immoral cult and hold incredibly immoral beliefs. Anyone who believes otherwise should spend a few minutes here. But it takes a special kind of asshole to look at that top example and say, “Oh, he drank at some point, therefore it’s perfectly justified to shove him out onto the street”. That asshole is you, dougie. Congratulations - step up to receive your trophy and complementary shit shower.