Would it kill you to flush the damn toilet!

I understand this a little bit but if you wash your hands immediately afterwards what’s the problem?

Wait, you can wash your hands now?

Truly, we live in the world of tomorrow.

I usually don’t flush urine- this saves water, energy the environment.

But yes, you MUST flush shit.

One of our maintenance men has gone off several times on people who do not flush. I agree it’s disgusting and inexcusible.

Is that what happens when you go into a stall and you find the poop equivalent of the Hindenburg floating in the bowl with no accompanying TP?

I love the idea =)

Toilet flushes are often very loud. Some people, like me, don’t like the loud noise of a toilet flush.

We do, too, but I’m not as thrilled as you. It flushes when I stand up, and then ***again ***when I’m leaving the stall. Even if I just peed a little. What a waste of (used to be) perfectly clean potable water.


Not nearly as loud as the “Holy mother of pearl, who left their stinking shit floating in the damned bowl!” that comes tripping out of the mouth of the next person.

Toilet is too loud? Really? I hope you poop at home.

Somewhat off topic, but many years ago we had a Pit Thread where the OP was having a bit of a tantrum about some tradesmen who had the audacity to use her dunny while working on her house.

Can anybody remember the thread, and direct me to it please? I’m home crook again today, and need a good laugh.

Thankyew. :smiley:

Yeah, I am with you on that. I dunno, I stand up to wipe (remnants of a minor medical issue) so that means two flushes for one duty. Waste of water.

Here you go!

There’s a bunch of these neanderthals at the university where i teach. Mainly students.

I’ll never understand why some men feel the need to hide themselves in a toilet stall to pee when there’s a row of clean and perfectly serviceable urinals rights there in the bathroom.

It’s made even worse by the fact that the ones who are too shy or paranoid to pee in public are also, in many cases, to fucking retarded to direct their urine into the actual bowl of the toilet. I swear that it sometimes looks as if they’re made a deliberate effort to get it everywhere but the actual bowl.

You are a very strange person, and if your antipathy to the noise actually prevents you from flushing, you are also an asshole.

Haven’t read the entire thread, but I am totally grossed out by blood on the toilet seat. I can’t even stand it when it’s my own.


At work, I’ll pick a stall if anyone is standing at the urinals. This is because, for some reason, my workplace has a culture of idle chit-chat at the urinal. Peeing is serious business, and I cannot be expected to have a conversation while I am attending to this matter.

I recall an Aussie(?) saying I heard somewhere once–maybe these very boards. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.”

People who think men’s washrooms are gross shouldn’t see some of the stuff I’ve seen in women’s washrooms. I hate it when I go into the washroom and the toilet’s filled with shit, piss, AND menstrual blood.

That doesn’t happen often - the blood thing - but all the time at school, the women piss on the seats.


Huh. We have some pretty aggressive automatic flushers on the toilets here but we STILL have notes on the stalls from the ever-suffering admins to PLEASE flush the toilets. I’m befuddled by this - the stupid things flush automatically. They can’t NOT flush - sometimes they flush two or three times during a trip to the potty.

I want to see (I think) the physical anatomy of the people in this building who can somehow use one of our toilets without triggering the auto flush. I’m thinking we have an instance of Prehensile Rectum right here at building MR6.

You hear that a lot when we’ve been in one of our regular 5 - 10 year droughts and water restrictions are in place.

I’ve been to a few small outback towns that use rainwater tanks for most of their water supply and found just that phrase written on a piece of paper and stuck to the wall above the cistern in the pub toilet. :slight_smile:

Sorry to burst your bubble of hope of the Prehensile Rectum :smiley: but I have found that if I’m wearing a black shirt, the autoflush laser thing can’t see me.