Would this make you cancel dinner plans?

the garbage can in my bedroom is a 6 qt stockpot … I was nauseous on chemo in 95, and brought it in to hurk into, and it never left the bedroom because it is the perfect size for either tossing trash or hurking into. If I ever need yet another 6 qt stock pot, Ill run it through the dishwasher.

I have a friend who is horrified that I would stand my [at the time] infant goddaughter in the kitchen sink and hose the diarrhoea off her with the sprayer. I clean the sink and environs afterwards with clorox … and it beats going through half a tub of baby wipes, and I was using baby soap on her, and the water was the correct temp. it all goes to the same sewer, and the kitchen is hard surfaces and stainless steel. Meh. It is way more dangerous in the kitchen for exposure to food born pathogens, people get sloppy about cleaning up their kitchen.

Wow. When you pick a decorating theme, you really take it seriously!


To the OP: the person in question either is kind of unstable, was having a really bad day, or really didn’t want to be having that meal.

“Staple” and “crotch” are two words that do not belong in the same sentence.

The whole torn skirt thing was misdirection. Clearly the wife in the OP wanted to go home, reason unknown, and was using the tear as an excuse. An excuse that was working until the OP had to chime in with facts and rationality. I’m sure the family members understood the context and knew they were going to be skipping dinner, one way or another, so they took the excuse offered.

Is there a point in forcing her to admit that she was making excuses to go home?

There’s another entry for the regional language thread: What is hurking in Connecticut is horking in Ohio. Interesting . . . interesting.

It would not have bothered me, but it sounds like this co-worker is a bit obsessed with appearences. Really, very little bothers me when it comes to going out to eat!

I don’t think going home is totally unreasonable. If it was a new skirt, she may have been more upset at it getting damaged rather than worried about it falling apart during dinner. I’d call that slightly too sensitive, but if I were in the OP’s position, I would be understanding and wouldn’t worry about it. Just have dinner some other time.

But I must say, without pointing fingers, that I think the general population of the Dope are not known to be terribly concerned about matters of clothing. Given the number of threads where there are very strong reactions against things like dress codes (e.g., wearing a tie at a wedding), or just general ambivalence for fashion rules of the road (e.g., black shoes with brown belt being a no-no), I’m not sure that asking what any particular Doper might do with a rip in her skirt is really a good sounding board on whether this woman was being unreasonable.

Given that I rarely get adults-only nights anyway, nothing short of tearing the skirt in half or ripping it such that my underwear would be obviously visible would make me stay home. And even then, I might consider just picking up a cheap skirt and changing in the bathroom. I know it’s wasteful, but for me an evening out with friends is priceless.

Some people are weird about stuff like this.

I once had a coworker give a presentation in front of about 30 people.

Later on that day he confessed to me:

“I’m so embarrassed.”


“Because there is a mustard stain on my shirt. Do you think anyone noticed in the meeting?”

“Where is the mustard stain?”

He points to it and I shit you not; it was about 1/3 the size of a US penny.

“Um, no, I don’t think anyone noticed.” :rolleyes:

Kitchen sink? We had full on baby poop on the cabinets and fridge. My daughter held it in through the kitchen sink bath, and was laying on the kitchen counter being dried off and… blam hit her mother, fridge, and the cabinets. I guess we were supposed to burn the house down? Clorox wipes work just fine. If I had thrown away everything that came into contact with the young’uns body fluids, would have nothing left.

If it was a very nice skirt, and since it was new, I might well be really upset. I don’t know about “cancel nice dinner” upset, but certainly upset.

I would also possibly worry about the rip getting larger, especially since it was situated right around the hip and waist, and there is more stress on the fabric there than elsewhere around the skirt. I might also worry about a safety pin pulling holes in the fabric due to placement (versus using a pin or stapler to tack down a hem which doesn’t receive much stress) or popping loose and stabbing me.

Again, I’m not sure about skipping a very nice dinner, but then, I don’t have as many opportunities to go out as I’d like due to work scheduling. If I could go some random night after work, then I might not think it’s that big of a deal to just go out some other night.

She couldn’t have waiting until you put her back into the cabinet? Sheesh.

Well no, that’s where she lives, no need to mess up her place. Surprised she didn’t hit the oven, that’s where her brother sleeps. Her aim is getting better, she peed on my feet one morning. At least it was warm.

Closer to the OP, I had the crotch on my jeans rip as I was walking into a hockey game. Shrugged it off, past experience has shown very few people are interested in my crotch.

I wish you could, too. I would like to think about doing some very dirty things to the rest of their household goods. :D:cool::eek:

The OP - no, I wouldn’t skip dinner for a tear that was covered and not noticeable. I wouldn’t skip dinner out for a tear that was noticeable - I would try to cover it with a jacket or something, though. She does sound like she is much more appearance-oriented than I am.

A bit of an overreaction, IMHO. I wouldn’t have cancelled my plans, under the circumstances. Just try to keep it hidden.

Heh. There was a teacher at my prep school who was notorious for barfing into a garbage can in the middle of the class, wiping her mouth and then continuing to teach until the end of the class. I doubt her students heard another word she said as they stared, horrified, at the can.

Maybe he had seen this commercial.

I don’t know the circumstance but generally it’s not something I would consider canceling plans over. Maybe if it were just me and my SO then I’d decide I wasn’t in the mood to waste any more money that day, but if dinner were my SO’s idea then we’d still go. But I hate it when people cancel on me, even if it’s just Starbucks or shopping at Target, so I try not to do it to other people.

That said, I agree I can’t see any reason to continue to bring this up, except maybe to point out that you had been looking forward to dinner and you were disappointed it didn’t happen. You know how she is, just keep that in mind the next time you two are making plans.

[bolding mine]

This would make a perfect sig line!

As to the OP, I can understand being upset that you’d torn a new skirt, but think skipping out on dinner plans a huge overreaction. No way I’d miss a nice meal over something no one else can see and that I could fix later. But it does sound like she’s obsessed over her appearance, so I guess that works for her.

In thinking it over, I can maybe understand why she wanted to cancel, and it may have very little to do with vanity. As others mentioned, she may well have feared that the rip would get worse throughout the night. I know that if I get a tiny rip in my underwear, their days as fully functional underwear are limited.

And there have been times when my pants split a little or I had some other wardrobe malfunction. Getting home and fixing the situation became very important to me, to the point where I couldn’t enjoy whatever it was I was doing.

I wouldn’t enjoy being out at a nice restaurant knowing my skirt was ripped. I’d rather spend the time and money another day. That said, assuming the mall was still open, I would have bought a new skirt or pants and continued on to dinner.