Would you consider a 36-year old suitable to be President?

For what it’s worth, after getting his law degree Joe Biden worked as a public defender and in the private sector before serving on the county council, and then got elected to his first six-year term in the Senate while technically still in his twenties.

He’d have to be a pretty special 36-year old. I’d want literally stellar achievements in that time, and some indications of solid stability and good judgment.

Camelot is highly unlikely to happen again.

I can’t help but ask: what if (a) his accomplishments are solid without being stellar, but (b) the guy he’s up against doesn’t even hit the solid-but-not-stellar mark?

No fucking way.

Mostly a matter of degree. I’d vote for Mickey Mouse over the Donald, but by the same token I’d have to apply the same standard to the 36-year old: would I trust him having access to the nuclear football?

If whichever party that is the alternative to the Republican Party sees fit to give the nomination to a candidate who is thirty-six years old, that candidate will have my vote.

I would definitely be willing to vote for a 36 year old. The President must be a decent person who will not willingly work against the people, and must be smart enough to not be suckered into unwillingly working against the people. If you think it’s impossible for a thirty-six year old to do that, you’re a bigot.

Nope, I want a candidate that has lived through a couple of cycles as an adult. Something like 2 stock market crashes, a military action or two, actually worked a real job for a decade or 3. IMHO, 36 is a little too inexperienced with life and seen too few cycles to put it into perspective. Pay a mortgage, worry about affording kids college, see your nest age drop 20% in a market crash, understand what it’s like for you or someone close to you to get laid off for the corporate spreadsheet after 10 years, etc. So, they don’t cry chicken little the first time some shit happens in their life. A decade more or so iin late 40’s early 50’s s about right.

Big corporations have young CEO’s starting in the mid 40’s, and I think that’s a good guide for a President.