Would you kill him/her...?

Ok scenario: You’re best friend (or the person you are closest to emotionally right now) has been captured by ninjas and is being tortured. the ninjas also capture you. the ninjas are doing this kind of thing Lingchi - Wikipedia to him/her. the ninjas ensure that your friend will survive but for the rest of his or her life be scarred and 90% of the day will be in pain. the ninjas put into your left hand(if you’re right handed, lefties get it in their right hand) a syringe that contains 100 ccs of high quality adrenaline and in your other hand one of these Loading... you have been given the choice of killing your best friend whichever way you like with the adrenaline and fully loaded .60 magnum gun thingie or let the ninjas do what i said before. keep in mind your friend will survive if you do not do anything

Why the adrenaline?

Moved MPSIMS --> IMHO.

That is a big ass gun. What is the adrenaline for?

It depends on whether my friend wanted to live or die.

I guess I’d ask my friend what she wanted and do that.

Take the adrenaline myself, then flip out and kill the ninjas.

pravnik for the win!!

lol the big ass gun to kill your friend and i dunno i was guessing the adrenaline would make the headshot or wherever your going to shoot them i dunno less painful or somethin? ok change that to a elephant tranq oh yeah and i forgot to mention the ninjas have broken your legs already so you cant flip out and kill em.

Do the ninjas have guns?