If you had the chance would you live in an underground house? What about an underwater one?
Underground. I’m not claustrophobic, but I have a fear of drowning.
No. I like lots of windows, so underground is out, and with underwater you’re going to get wet every time you want to sit on you porch. I could do a tree house, though.
Underwater I would do.
Underwater would be pretty sweet. Underground I would do only if there were sunroofs. (Imagine the ceiling being ground-level. That would be kinda neat too as long as there aren’t people walking over it.)
I’d love both assuming you had a nice safe (and dry) way to get out of the house. Can I have one in a tidal estuary that’s both underground and underwater? It should be 4 - 20 feet underground, and range from 6 - 60 feet underwater.
Cameras to the water outside at six points plus the surface for my windows.
I’d love it!
The cat might not.
I love swimming but only on the surface level. I don’t even like to put my head under water, let alone my body, my computer, and my CD collection. So definatly underground, alough really I’d like to investigate this tree house idea a little more.
I can’t say I would want to LIVE underwater or underground BUT for a holiday underwater wins hands down.
Australia is great and all that but who the hell would want to go on holiday underground when they have the underwater option?
Ok so the underwater version is only for those among us to whom money is not an issue but I dream of Burj Al Arab not Cooper Pedy.
As far as day to day living goes I prefer On rather then Under or Under the wet stuff.
Underwater house
Outside catfish.
An underground home can be close enogh to the surface for shylights.
Shylights…people living under ground in the outback?
Yep you have coined a new phrase. The Cooper Pedy tourism board will be in touch.
Cooper Pedy…home of 00 (too shy to reveal the last numeral )
I like ‘side of the hill’ so I have a view in one direction and also retain the efficiencies of underground living.
Under water habitats are cool if you are in a neat area like a reef. Grey mud on the bottom of the East River, not so much.
Pssst… it’s Coober Pedy (pron. COO-ber PEE-dy). Anyway, I’m just here to say you’re probably the first person in history to use “Coober Pedy” and “Burj Al Arab” in the same sentence. The Coober Pedy Chamber of Commerce thanks you. Burj Al Arab’s lawyers will be in touch…
Underground, but way up on a hill somewhere, so that flooding is not a concern.
Technically, I guess quite a lot of people in a ship are actually underwater.
Where I live if you lived underground you’d almost certainly be underwater as well. If the design was decent I guess I could go with that.
Under the sea. It’s better down where it’s wetter.
Underground, but only if I can have a Silo Home.
Either. I’ve always wanted to live in a refurbished missile silo. Being able to mow the roof would be awesome and I’ve always thought if you redecorated, the silo room itself would be a pretty awesome multi-level library.
Having big windows with underwater views would be spiffy as well. And you wouldn’t have to worry about solicitors. Unless Mormoms took to wearing scuba gear, of course.
I just rewatched LOTR, and I would live in Bag End in a heartbeat.