Would you post on the SDMB if you had to use your full name?

Two question poll.

  1. If you had to post on the SDMB using your first and last name, would you?

  2. Would you post on any message board using your first and last name?

  3. No, I wouldn’t post to the SDMB using my full name. One of the great things about the SDMB is that we’re able to have discussions that we wouldn’t necessarily want others to read by just typing my name into a Google search.

  4. I’d only post to a very few message boards using my full name. I used to post to the old Prodigy message boards under my full name as that service didn’t allow screen names. However, that was before everyone was online and we didn’t have search engines. Today, I’d probably only considering posting to message boards that limit their discussions to sports or movies.

Sure, however there are certain things I’d probably not say. Frank discussions of work situations or my sex life, for example.

Nope, but I do use my name at facebook (I know, facebook is social networking not a message board but whatever).

  1. Nope.
  2. It depends. For example, one of my classes in college had a dedicated message board associated with it, and I had no problems with posting there. So, I would essentially only be ok with posting under my name if I knew everyone that could write on and read the board.

No, because I’m gay and do not want to be out at the school I teach in (to the students, that is), and it might come up on here - like it just has. :smiley:

Mind you, my name is a common expression in the US, so people would probably assume it was a pseudonym anyway. (I’m not going to give my real name here, but the UK equivalent is Gordon Bennet).

There was one messageboard I started posting on years ago without realising that one of the very strict rules was that you had to use your real name. I could of course, have just made a real name up, but I decided to leave instead, because they were clearly nuts.

Nope. People would wonder why I’m wasting so much time here instead of running the country.

  1. I probably wouldn’t. Actually, I know I wouldn’t - I was horrified when someone innocently quoted my Bulwer-Lytton entry which had both my first and last name, and the name of the town I live in. I got mods to edit the town out of both. I have a extremely uncommon surname (there is only one other person in six billion who shares both my first and last name) so I don’t like the idea of being that easy to track down. It’s not like being “Heather Smith” where there are thousands of them out there. I trust 99% of people not to stalk people they’ve discovered on the internet, but that other one %…

  2. Maybe if it was peopled exclusively by folks I know in real life. Other than that probably not until I’m famous and can’t hide from the adoring public anyway.

Especially here.

Don’t know how to explain it any better, but there have been many people here who have been kind to me when I didn’t always deserve it, and they deserve to know whom they have benefitted.

At the same time, there are those with whom I could just** not **establish a bond, but they too, need to know who I am, and I believe they do know.


  1. Yep, wouldn’t bother me any. Wouldn’t change my posting any, either. I already assume that everything I’ve posted can be connected to me and I don’t post anything I wouldn’t want people I know reading.

  2. See above.
    –Michael Bell

  1. No, both because it’s easier to be frank with anonymity and I don’t see any reason to compromise my privacy by giving it out in public.

  2. Yes, on a local board. If people generally knew who you were because of your public work it was considered in very bad taste not to disclose that. If the issue was controversial you could take a lot of heat but you could also speak from experience with some authority. It’s not a very big place so people would figure out who you are pretty quickly anyway and then you just look stupid for sneaking around.

For the most part, yes. I am who I am, and what I say here is my actual opinion or experience. My real name is easily accessible, my name’s in the phone book, and those doofuses in the GoogleCam car have driven by my house, so you can even see how to walk right up to my front door.

But I’m just some dude, and I’m confident that nobody’s going to stalk me.

Smith. :smiley:

No, it’s Bill Craig. The guy with the 2 first names. :wink:


  1. No
  2. Maybe–I’m always aware that posting as Eureka gives me only limited privacy, so I try not to post stuff I’d be actively embarassed to have exist forever associated with my name, and I’d consider posting in a professional capacity under my real name. But on a large, general interest board? I’ll take the pseudonym and pseudo-privacy thank you very much.


I give it out to individuals, but never do I want it on a board for any person regardless of mental stability to hook onto. I especially don’t need to be a search engine marvel for a day.

  1. Yes. I would on this forum.

  2. Not on every forum I post on.


Probably not.

  1. Yes
  2. Yes.

Every message board I post to besides this one, I use my full name. If I was joining today I’d probably use my full name. In the past I’ve been burned by saying things I thought wouldn’t get around in “anonymous” or “private” settings. Now if I post anything anywhere on the internet I assume it will be traced back to me and read by everyone I know. Posting under my own name is a powerful reminder not to say anything I would regret.

– Brian Upton

It’s not like I’ve been overly secret about my identity. Hell, I’ve posted links to speeches I’ve given, with the school logo in the background and my name on the link! But I’d just as soon not let a search engine put two and two together, if for no other reason than to make someone work a little bit to know my name. :smiley:

No. I wouldn’t now. In fact, I’m in the process of trying to work out how to deal with returning to a different message board after an absence of several years, before which I was signed up there under my full, IRL name.

Not only no, but hell no. WYSIWYG and I’ve posted enough that it wouldn’t be all that hard to figure out who I am. I don’t post anything that’s a secret but why make it easy for the looneys to find you.