Would you rather supergenius-level intellect or nigh-irresistable sex appeal?

I’m too lazy to write a setup. I’ll just define the terms.

If you take the supergenius-level-intellect option, you got eidetic memory, lightning calculation talent, and analytical/reasoning capabilities better than 99.9999% of the population. You can use this to become an inventor, a linguist, a composer, a mathematician–whatever floats your boat.

If you take the nigh-irresistable sex appeal, you become much better looking, much more verbally charming, and so forth, so that the vast, vast majority people, upon meeting you, say, “Damn, it’s hot in here. Perhaps one or both of us should remove out clothes.” If you decline such an advance, no one is ever moved to rape because you’re so aestheetically pleasing no one can bear to contemplate harming you.

Either way the change is permanenent, though the abilities may atrophy if you neglect them.

Does having one prevent me from having the other? Because I would imagine I could still manage to get laid with a super-intellect. May even improve my batting average.

Obviously you can use the super-intellect in the service of your genitals, but you don’t become any better looking if you get that option. People who are turned off or intimidated by smart people will remain immune to your charms.

I’ll be the hottie, thanks. Years ago I saw a study which showed that it’s easier to be successful if you’re beautiful than if you’re smart. I’d love to think that I’d prefer to be a Super Genius… but being smart won’t do it, you also need to work hard. Hotties just have to be, well, hot.

I’ve already tried the super genius thing, and it was just okay.

Depends. If I choose sex appeal, do I retain my current level of intellect? If I choose intellect, do I retain my current sex appeal?

Thanks, but I’ve already got both… I’m not looking to trade down at this time. :smiley:

You can’t make me give up either!!! :wink:

Seriously though, I’ll take super-hottie. I get by just fine being smarter than the majority, being smarter than everyone strikes me as awfully lonely. In fact, I think that the results of this poll would be interesting compared to the results of the “how sociable are you” poll.

I’m confused… in the movie, Reed Richards was banging Jessica Alba. If that’s the quality of women smart guys have to “settle” for, I’ll choose supergenius-level intellect any day! :wink:

I know you’re confused. You’ve been confused for a while now; we were trying to keep it from you because we were afraid you’d be hurt once you realized it. Ah well.

Anyway, you can’t be serious. For Jessica Alba to be hot, she’d have to be…well…not Jessica Alba.

Well, Reed Richards has other… attributes to offer than brains, when it comes down to it.

ETA: anyway, I chose super-genius, because (even assuming I wasn’t already attached) there are enough women who think brains are teh sexay, especially once you get into my age bracket, that I shouldn’t have any problem getting sufficient play. And, super-genius!

I had to google Reed Richards- never heard of him.

I’m shallow and vain, so I’m choosing super-hottie status. I’m satisfied with my current level of intellect but wouldn’t mind having panties drop as I pass by.

You’re onto something there…yeah, a little more to the right…perfect. :smiley:

I’m not at all sociable (I mean, I’m not covered in moss or anything but I’m the silent one at gatherings who keeps an eye on the door) and I’d rather be smart than sexy. I’m in my 40s, frankly I don’t think I’d be able to summon the sexy often enough to keep up with demand. Intellect, on the other hand, keepsme entertained for hours. And my woman finds intellect sexy so I still get to win.

There’s already so much crap that I wish I didn’t know. I am actually finally having to actively not learn things in order to be happy. Do you realize how bad super analytical skills are to someone with an anxiety disorder?

The super hottie status isn’t that great, but I think it would be a nice change. If I dislike it, I can always make myself look bad again. The only thing I’d worry about is my willpower to say no, but increased confidence should come quickly.

That said, I’m not looking forward to straight guys finding me hot. (You did say everybody :wink: )

I’m already a supergenius, and it has done me no good. I’m choosing the one where I get laid a lot.

The more I know, the less I want to know. The more sex I have, the more sex I want to have. Being a hottie opens more doors to that, no matter what anybody says.

I’ve done the super-hottie thing; not as much fun as it sounds. Think faster and deeper? Should make any situation more satisfying, or if not, easier to improve/get out of.

You did it wrong. It’s a fucking blast. :smiley:

I chose the Tribbiani option over the Geller one.

Geller over Tribianni. There so many things I wish I had either the time or the ability to learn (advanced mathematics & physics, I’m looking at you…).

Plus I already have an excellently awesome wife, so I can’t imaging why I would care to be more attractive, except insofar as she would like it. She’ll just have to learn to be happy with the millions of dollars I make patenting my new inventions.