Would You Toke if it Were Legal?

As a former pothead, I have to agree with some previous statements made (shit, I can’t remember who said it! :P), that is, legal issues made no difference to me, or any of my friends. The only reason to lay off was because you were broke or applying for a job that screened. And as the apostle Paul says: all things in moderation.

It’s not how you pick your nose, it’s where you put the boogers

Shoot, I’m high right now.

Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.
—Red Green

Flyin’ fuckin’ A, bubba!


I’m one hudred percent for the legalization of marijuana. Unfortunately, of the 4 (four) times I’ve tried it, I’ve had very bad reactions (it turns out I’m a complete asshole). I try to make up for my lack of ‘stickin’ it to the man’ with alcohol and cigarette consumption though. So damnit, I’m trying!

A lot of my friends smoke pot (which explains why they still hang out with me) but it’s just not my thing. I was thrilled to hear that Arizona’s Governor wants to legalize it, I think he’s a very brave guy who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Obviously, the US government is more concerned with drug use than actual crimes that hurt people – I think that’s a tragedy.

What do you all think about the US Government essentially paying broadcasters to incorporate anti-drug messages into their programs? I’m with my man, Ben Nighthorse-Campbell… That sucks!

After giving up cigarettes in the early 80s, pot in the 70s, I’d be afraid that doing a joint would entice me back to cigarettes. The legality does not stop me, the health issues do. Has anyone else heard that one joint has the equivalent tar and bad stuff that an entire pack of cigarettes has?

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

No, I wouldn’t start smoking pot again if it were legal.

I didn’t quit because it was against the law. I quit because smoking it started to make me feel depressed.


JohnJohn, I’ve heard that. I’ve also heard that marijuana kills brain cells, it destroys your lungs, makes you impotent and blind, and turns you into an evil person that does crack and steals from people and rapes old ladies.

I’ve also heard that pot is a nice herb, that does have carcinogens, but a single joint is only just as bad as a single cigarettes and so far nobody smokes a pack of blunts a day and it doesn’t kill brain cells and those fucking fascists should legalize it.

I think both sides try to offer evidence that somehow proves them right.

Fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowling.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Legality hasn’t ever really mattered… if people want to use it, they will. That being said, I don’t have any problem with the drug or its users per se; they’re certainly less likely to be violent as drunks, except perhaps to a large pizza.

BTW, the health risks of SMOKING it are pretty much eliminated by simply using it in food or using a vaporizer. That really isn’t an argument against legalizing the product itself, but merely against smoking it. The physiological effects are sort of murky though; there’s a lot of “maybe” and “possibly” and “in rare cases” but nothing really proven. It’s telling that I’ve never heard of any cases of pot-derived lung cancer though. It’s not like alcohol’s effects on the liver aren’t well known.

Day or night rain or snow, cops or no
my pot is a friend, your crack is a foe
if its illegal who gives shit

Pass the joint I want a hit
get your lighter get your soda
watch me smoke and immitate yoda

Ive seen weed in many different colours
each one as good as the other
dont worry if you get caught smoking

cause even god says its cool to keep tokin
so smoke the roach, have some fun
cause if there is no weed to buy
I’m gettin a gun

Yes, they should at least legalize it for medical purposes. I think when they compare the ill effects of pot to real cigarettes they fail to make clear, as you point out, people don’t smoke as many joints as smokers do cigarettes. I just have this thing that I no longer want to put smoke in my lungs.

Used in moderation, when you’re older, I think pot will do no lasting harm.

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

I would not toke. Granted, if it were legal, there wouldn’t be the threat of going to prison and being told that your name was Bridget, but that doesn’t seem to deter many of today’s tokers anyway. Marijuana must be GOOD STUFF!

Seriously though, I’ve never seen the upside. Is it the threat of going to jail and being renamed Bridget, or the paranoia, or the dried-out mucous membranes, or the newfound appreciation of Married With Children? No one’s ever cleared that up for me.

you would have to have a fuck load of pot to get sent to any prison where you are renamed after female celebritys

So Cristi, do you ever participate in the Nude Run they’ve got over there in Ann Arbor? That’d be cool.

Anyways, for those of you who are counting (or would like to, but you’re too lazy) the score at this point is 12 definitely would not, 15 definitely would, 4 are definitely riding the fence and 4 have definitely not indicated one way or the other.

you bet your fuckin ass they would

OJ, what are you responding to?

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Well, shit. Over here it’s legal to buy it, to possess it, and to smoke it in private. That is, you can smoke all the pot you want as long as you’re not selling it. I ain’t selling nothing.

So yes, it’s legal, and I am going to fire up a joint after hitting the period on this sentence.

Just had two tokes. Don’t feel like going out and robbing anyone.

__Lawrence, your Barcelona correspondent

Lawrence, when I was in Barcelona, under Franco, it was very very illegal to smoke pot, or do just about anything. Are the Guardia Sevelle still a presence there? I stayed right off the Ramblas near a small shop that sold Malaga wine from two huge 6 ft high wooden casks. Forgot the name. Things were soooooo cheap then. Things have changed that much? Have you gotten down to Ibiza? I spent the summer of 69 there. We did EVERYTHING there.

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

Inertia: Nope, no nude running for me. I’ve seen it, though, and it’s no big deal, either. Just a bunch of nude people running down the street.

Ann Arbor is an interesting town. I don’t live there anymore, but I sure do miss it sometimes.

I just realized that I never answered the OP. I don’t think I’d imbibe any more than I do now, which is almost never. Nothing against it, it’s just that I’ve got epilepsy and have to take prescription meds, so I’ve got to be careful when indulging in stuff like that.

If it were made legal, I think there’d be a lot of people who would get really, really high and stay that way for a while, then the novelty of legalization would wear off, then people would go back to their pre-legalization pot-smoking habits.

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.

No no, Cristi, you don’t understand! The legalization of pot would mean the downfall of civilisation as we know it! Think about it! Once we legalize pot, we’ll have to legalize crack and heroin and all of those other drugs, too, and all of those make you brain dead and rob and rape people!!

Actually, I agree with you, Cristi, some people (a very few) would go hog wild forever, and we’d have to come up with a new term equivalent to alcoholic (marajuanic?), many would probably go wild for a little while, then calm down, some would start for the first time, and be cool about it, the rest wouldn’t change. That’s what I’m guessing, anyway.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Sure, I toke now and it’s illegal.