Would you vote for Donald Trump for POTUS?

I will

I haven’t said I’d vote for him yet. The odds are very good that I would but I want to wait until he offer more detailed info and whether or not he flames out as time goes by.

Yes, the SPLC is highly partisan.


Posted by the OP today:

Maybe there really *is *a God…

Like the meme goes:

Quite a few people who supported Trump & the Republicans in the name of their hatreds have gotten blindsided when *they *didn’t prove magically exempt from the incompetence and persecution of the people they put into power.

:stuck_out_tongue: I see I’m not the only one who thought to bump this thread when poor widdle contradancer whined today about Trump trying to impoverish American families.

En route, I found this exchange particularly amusing:

These Trumpistas need to synchronize their babblings. Here’s one who does understand that destroying government should be high priority:

I think this thread should be designated as a place where former thump supporters who have seen the light can come and admit the error of their earlier misguided thinking. There will be no reprisals.* And we will give them cookies.

*Well, maybe a little mockery. And an occasional “We told you so!”

A good idea, but I think most Trump supporters have run away from the SDMB.

If your son makes 82 grand a year and does not have children he is not poor, just shitty at financial planning.

This keeps getting said, but is there any evidence that people who initially declared themselves to be Trump supporters have walked/run away?

Well, the evidence is that they’re not posting much any more. They’ve run away from here if not from DJT. It seems to me that right after the election and for a long time thereafter, there were a boatload of them, and now, not so much. There used to be page after page of rambling back-and-forth posts where some Trumpnik would defend his Fuehrer. I don’t see that any more. I don’t think it’s just that I have them all on “ignore” either.

And yet, right at the top of this very page (post #351) we have this gem from you:

I’m not thinking you have much moral high ground to stand on while pointing and laughing at others who supported Trump.

I’m still here, but I rarely waste any time in The Pit.

And yet, here you are.

Only because this thread was snarked on another board, and the link brought me here.

Gosh no. They still support that piece of filth. They have just run out of ways to try to defend their position. They are less vocal now.

These idiots will love him no mater what he does. They have to. Otherwise they must admit just how wrong they are. Not just “This is bad for the economy and people wrong”. Not just “I hate brown people” wrong. We are talking “2+2=5” wrong.

Some of them still support him. But we have evidence right here of someone who did, but doesn’t any more. Trump’s base is not monolithic. We can and must convince some of them to change their minds. Yes, a lot of Americans made a mistake two years ago. But mistakes can be corrected.

So, did you end up voting for Trump in the primaries? And are you happy with the result?

My Wife’s side of the family are all trump supporters. We get along fine. They used to love to talk about how MAGA would be. I’m talking about people that are construction workers, to teachers to a CEO. And pretty much everything in-between. They don’t seem to want to talk about it now. They where VERY vocal before. I don’t bring it up. And won’t.

… Actually a niece, a teacher, is changing her mind. She brought it up, not my wife or I. Heh. And a Nephew too.

As I live and breathe. Never did I think I’d live to see the day. The only thing worse on the planet than a Trump supporter.

A giraffe supporter. :eek: