Wouldn't 'Hanging Chad' be a great name for a porn star?

Or, as Dave Barry ™ would say, a great name for a rock band ©?

Pregnant Chad would make for an interesting porn star.

I’m not going to make any jokes about Dimpled Chad. I’ll let y’all do that. :smiley:

Last night on one of the local newscasts here, the Man on the Scene in Florida got so muddled up with the various chads, he referred to what sounded like “pregnant nipples.” I’m almost sure he said “dimples,” but he corrected himself really quickly!

actually, it sounds like something we should be doing to all the talking heads and liars-for-hire in FL this month…

“actually, it sounds like something we should be doing to all the talking heads and liars-for-hire in FL this month…”

I got rope. I got time. I can tie the knot.

And I resist the temptation to hijack. Congratulate me!