Wow, Avril Lavigne is really Canadian!

I stumbled across her MTV Diary the other day, and she is really, really Canadian. I never knew that before, but OTOH I’m not a 14 year old girls so I have an excuse. Canadian, right down to the hockey loving, the “eh’s” at the end of sentences, and the vowel pronunciation. Not every Canadian matches this stereotype, of course, but she could be in a McKenzie Brothers movie and not stand out.

It really improved my perception of her, actually. I always thought she was some California chick. Go Canada!

Ha! As a Californian I say you can fuggin have her! And keep her there. Next time I want to listen to some bitch sing a song written by 7 people just so she can rhyme “boi” with “boi”, I’ll pop in Avril. And yes, the whole 7 people thing is true.

Sorry, but I can’t take her seriously ever since I saw Weird Al’s parody “interview” with her. Sure, I’m sure they took the worst parts of her real interview for the clips they used, but even out of context, she came off so badly in those bits that I really have to wonder. :slight_smile:

As a Canadian I say California can have her.

I only see four credited at ASCAP.

Should anyone really have to claim her?

So THAT’S why she sucks so bad?

This year’s Debbie Boone.

She will be a “What Ever Happened To…” question in two years.

Or maybe Minnie Ripperton with mechanical birds…

Hey Leaper, do you have a link to that interview? Not that I really think her answers need any editing, what with her inane song lyrics and her refraining from wearing deodorant because she heard it causes breast cancer (It’s true, you know. I read it on the Internet).

as to who can have Avril, damn, I’ll take her!

I need to take two Avrils after listening to her!

I keep thinking her name is pronounced like Orville. As in Orville Redenbacher.

I suspect Avril is a French name.

Which means Avril might be French-Canadian!!! ominous organ chord

Next thing you know, she’s gonna be rockin with Mai, Juin and Juillet in an sk8tr band of truly epic proportions.

Possibly, but she rhymes “skater boi” with “later boi”, which is perfectly acceptable as a rhyme, since the main stress is on the first of the three syllables, and the rhyming is supposed to take place on the most stressed syllable.

No, I don’t particularly like her either. But that was just my nitpick for the day.

I can’t believe I actually wrote ‘boi’ there.

As a Canadian, I echo the sentiments of 7 up yours. You can all have her.

No, she’s not French Canadian, she’s from Napanee, Ontario. (Don’t ask me how I know this.)

Apparently she grew up idolizing Shania Twain and singing country songs in competitions. Where the pseudo-punk thing came from, I do not know.

Some pack of PR Dweebs I would imagine (or is it a gaggle of Dweebs and a pack of Marketing Skunks).

Some Avril song was on the radio at work, and I mentioned it sounded like Leann Rimes, and everyone looked at me like I was an idiot. Of course, that may have been simply because I was trying to start a conversation about Avril Lavigne. Come to think of it, I should go apologize.

I stand by my friend’s theory that there are two Avrils - the one on the album, and the one in person. We’ve seen her live on tv on separate occasions and the music is always lowered and she sounds awful. I know, I know, there’s a lot of tweaking that goes into putting together a record, but I’m really starting to buy this theory.

I’m not specifically rushing to Avril’s defense, but as many Cecil readers know, he has written regarding tenuous links between deodorant (specifically antiperspirants) and mental health. I can see this easily being misinterpreted to other maladies, however ambiguous the evidence. Just a thought…