Wow, I'm happy

Thanks…I think!

Had a slight hiccup last night. Brought her out on a bender with me and the lads (about 20 Irish guys and girls and assorted hangers on).

Everyone liked her and several people commented on how I happy I looked.

Still, I was overserved and she suggested that I had had enough.

I was lightly protesting when my friend Garrett passed me another pint of Guinness and said something to the affect of “ah he’s grand, just get another few pints in him”.

She looked him right in the eye and said “he may be “grand” to you but if he doesn’t stop now it won’t be “grand” if he thinks I am going home with him tonight”.

Right then and there I took her hand and headed towards the door leaving a full pint on the table.

This girl just rocks!!

Oh, I got her breakfast this morning along with her coffee etc…not sure who I am any more :slight_smile:

Good for you, choosing her over your friend and your beer. You probably would have made a better impression if you had limited your intake on your own accord, but you pulled it out of the fire.

I’m glad that this situation seems to be going well for you so far. I agree with you that it is important to keep in mind that a good relationship is worth waiting for, instead of settling for something mediocre just to have “someone, anyone”. Even though it’s not easy to find the right match, ya gotta keep the faith. :slight_smile:

Good on you **Lochdale[/d] - you were in a tough position but you did a good thing by making a firm decision on your own.

I’m ridiculously envious. I felt like that once, and I had to leave the guy on the other side of the world. I’ll never forget him though, and I won’t forget that feeling (ah, it was probably for the best, lest the fantasy be crushed). I hope it’s the real deal man, congratu-*&!@-lations (<–enthusiasm)! I love stories like this… gives me hope. Champion move too, leaving the Guinness behind. I’d be impressed if I were her (but probably not if I were your friends, heh).

Congratulations! I’ve had my ups and downs, but being in love is wonderful!

I met my wife just over a year ago. We got together as friends for a month, started heading towards a relationship for another month and then jumped in bed just two months and one day after we first met.

We were both coming off of broken relationships, her live-in boyfriend of seven years started cheating on her and my girlfriend moved to France and decided to concentrate on learning the language and wanted to cut ties. In the end of January, my mother warned me about talking it slow, but by then we were already engaged and had just found out she was pregnant.

We’re just coming up on one year since we started going out and I’ve never been happier.

People may warn you to watch out, but really, at this point, what can you do? Jump on, enjoy the ride and hope that all works out.