WoW SDMB Guild: Toon (avatar) names

  1. Are these all characters in the SDMB guild?
  2. Which server is the guild on?
  3. What is the name of the guild?
  1. Yes, as far as I know.
  2. Cairne
  3. Burning Dog Legion

I did a WoW Armory search on Burning Dog Legion and it showed the guild on Thunderhorn, not Cairne. Maybe it’s just not up to date?

Maybe it’s The Burning Dog Legion…would that make a difference with Armory?

Is that like The Ohio State University? And no, I just checked, doesn’t show “The Burning Dog Legion”.

Yes, the Armory appears to be out of date – my Cairne character, Kene, is not showing up, and neither is our Guild. I searched for a couple of others in our guild and didn’t find them either. I’m not sure if any Cairne toons are appearing in the Armory yet.

The speculation is that (a) new servers don’t show up on the Armory for a month, or (b) Blizzard is so busy with the 2.4 patch that they haven’t gotten around to the Armory lately.

I checked the Cairne census and our guild isn’t there yet – probably because we don’t have very high-level toons on there yet (it only shows the top 50 guilds, measured by “level value”).

Sedna - from the Inuit goddess of the sea, as well as the recently discovered planetoid. I love the name, but it’s really common. Frankly I’m surprised that it wasn’t taken.

Anyhow, she’s a Blood Elf mage who just picked up tailoring and mining as primary professions. I’m at level 6 and climbing. :wink:

Leoril is back. I was frustrated with the 60+ game on my priest which kinda made levelling up another character sound less fun. So I decided to play no MMOs for a couple weeks, but I must admit, it was a lot less fun and I played a lot of Civ4 which turns out to get boring faster than Wow for me, so I’m back in WoW.

He’s a Tauren Warrior.

Just started a Blood Elf Hunter, Carafera and joined the Burning Dogs. :slight_smile:

Hmm…SDMB guild, eh? I have a few characters that I’m not getting much mileage out of, and I might be convinced to transfer one or more. What server are you guys on? I only play Horde and they’re all on PvP servers, so the transfer won’t be an issue.

I have a Kara-geared 70 mage and a 49 priest; I fear my main (SSC/TK Belfadin healer) must stay put on Spinebreaker. Mage is 375 alc/herb, priest isn’t far enough along in any professions to be dedicated.

I’m an officer in my Spinebreaker guild, though, and my raiding loyalties are going to have to lie with them first…but if you guys want me, I’m in; just have an officer hit me up. :slight_smile:

ETA: Mage is Mecenas, priest is currently Xvirus although that will change if I transfer him. Both are on Spinebreaker.

We’re on Cairne, which has only been up for about a month and a half, so transfers won’t be available to it for another four and a half months.

Plus Cairne is PvE; I don’t think you can transfer between PvP and PvE servers. But feel free to roll a new toon on Cairne; because it’s a new server most of our members are below 40 with many below 20, so you’ll catch up quickly.

You can transfer from PvP to PvE, just not the other way around.

If you guys are all rolling new characters, I don’t mind doing it, I just thought an established character would add more value to the guild. Like you said, though, no transfers to Cairne, so reroll it is. Any particular classes/roles the guild needs? I’m a pretty good healer if I do say so myself, and I don’t suck as a caster or tankadin. On the flip side, you really don’t want me at the helm of a hunter or a rogue. :slight_smile:

Over on WoWArmory , our statistics show we have 10 Druids, 10 Warriors, 10 Hunters and 9 Mages, which make up the high end of class distribution. On the low end we have 4 Rogues, 6 Priests and 6 Shamans. Pick something you’ll have some fun with.
I don’t see if it’s been mentioned, but after you roll, “/join sdmb” and introduce yourself. (anything about the dope is password enough:) Welcome!

I’m Linai, a level 14 Blood Elf hunter. She is sort-of named after Lina Inverse from the anime “Slayers” (“Lina” was one of the suggested names, but it was taken already, so I decided she would be “Lina I.” Mashed together, I pronounce it “Lyn-eye”.)

Looks like Blood Elf hunters are pretty popular :).

My husband is Sethraa, a level 13 Undead warlock. She is named after Sethra Lavode from Steven Brust’s books.

Thanks to Jragon I went out an got myself a WoW account. I am still a bit slow taking in the interface and getting used to everything. But I am currently a 4th level Blood Elf Rogue. The name is Laradon, which was my thief’s name back (way back) in my MUD days. See y’all over there!


Really late in the game here, but if you’ll have me, I signed onto Cairn last night and started my female Blood Elf Paladin, Yeticalayla. Invite me if you see me. Level 6 in about 1.5 hours. I will be mining and blacksmithing as well.

Oohh, a doper guild? Who do I have to bribe to get an invite? :slight_smile:

Headrush, we’d love to have you. Create a Horde character on Cairne if you don’t have one, and then in chat /join SDMB. Once you join chat just introduce yourself and ask for a guild invite.

We have close to a dozen level 70 members now but also a bunch of low-level ones, so there’s room for everyone.