Wechsler is an “IQ test”. Does anyone here know… given the following set of sub-test scores, how is the total (“Full Scale”) score calculated:
VCI = 103 (96-110)
VSI = 82 (y5-93)
FRI = 89 (83-96)
WMI = 112 (103-119)
PSI = 100 (90-110)
I know that averages / deviations sometimes give non-intuitive results, but the FSI range I’m looking at might be a calculation error, so I’m curious.
{VC = Verbal Comprehension, VS = Visual Spatial, FR= Fluid Reasoning, WM = Working Memory, PS=Processing Speed. WPPSI=Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence)
I’m going to presume that you mean that the sub-test scores are as follows:
The Verbal Comprehension score is 103 (which, allowing for error, means that it is in the range 96-110).
The Visual Spatial score is 82 (which, allowing for error, means that it is in the range 75-93).
The Fluid Reasoning score is 89 (which, allowing for error, means that it is in the range 83-96).
The Working Memory score is 112 (which, allowing for error, means that it is in the range 103-119).
The Processing Speed score is 100 (which, allowing for error, means that it is in the range 90-110).
I have no idea how these scores are combined to calculate the overall score, but if it was simply averaging them, it would mean an overall score of about 97.