Writing a last will and testament

I’d like to write some kind of last will and testament; you know, just in case something were to happen.

I’m under the impression that I can just…write one… and have it notarized. No filing it anywhere, no costs, nothing like that. Is this true? (I am in Virginia)

Also, is there a specific format I should follow for writing it? How do I ensure it is to be found upon my death?

Kinda morbid, I know, but I like to make sure all my bases are covered.

Thing may be different in Virginia, but in most jurisdictions that I’m familiar with, trying to do this yourself is a false economy. The procedures for validly executing and witnessing a will are highly, highly formal - you are not just simply having a document notarised. Stuff them up, and you condemn your nearest and dearest to a deal of hassle and expense when The Time Comes. So be nice to them, and pay a professional to do a professional job.

How do you make sure that it is found on your death? While you’re still alive you give it to the people who would have an interest in finding it or (more probably) you tell them explicitly and exactly where it is.

The only time I would suggest making your own will is if you intend to leave everything to your closest legal heir (i.e., your spouse). Even so, if you have children, they can contest in some states and win a statutory share of the estate as can your spouse if you didn’t leave her at least 50%.

If there are things you truly wish to go to certain persons, it’s better to invest in an attorney to make up your will and make sure your legal obligations to your heirs are met.