My friends mom went to a craft show and received a small trinket for attending. Inside of it was the shows “Calling card”,name,phone#,next show,etc. Well the next show is supposed to be at the World Trade Center in Boston,MA. So is there one in Boston,or did they print them before the disaster and forget to change them.?
I would assume there is one in Boston and elsewhere; there is one in Baltimore.
True that there is one in Baltimore. When I went about 4 years ago, I made a point of kicking the building.
The World Trade Center, formerly known as Commonwealth Pier, is a commercial exhibition hall on the South Boston waterfront. I have no idea why the name was changed, and so lamely, about 20 years ago, and I don’t know why the name hasn’t yet been changed to something more appropriate.
There are actually more than 300 World Trade Centers in 100 countries worldwide. There is one here in Panama City, Panama. Most are members of the World Trade Center Association, whose mission is the promotion of world trade. There is little information on their web page at the moment, since the head office was in the New York WTC.
As a matter of fact, I happpened to be at the World Trade Center in Boston just two days ago. I can assure you that such a place exists. It even has a website. They are currently adding a couple more buildings to it (Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center East are finished, World Trade Center West is being built). This picture shows what the new buildings will look like when done. The World Trade Center itself is the low one extending off the left of the picture. On the right is the World Trade Center station on the Silver Line.
Another view, giving a better perspective on the World Trade Center building.
According to this article World Trade Center West is already filling up at a price of about $50 per square foot, although World Trade Center East ran into some trouble due to the hit technology companies have taken.
And just last week, The Economist had an advertisement for a World Trade Center in Taipei, Taiwan. So I’m assuming that it’s a pretty common name.
While I’m at it, I’d also like to point out that the World Trade Center West building was designed by Kallman, McKinnell and Wood, the firm responsible for the monstrosity that is Boston’s City Hall. While I don’t think they can ever be redeemed for that, it is nice to know that they are no longer inflicting that sort of ugliness upon my city.
Now, if I could just find out who was responsible for the Hurley Building (the State Services Building, which I cannot find a picture of) and find that they have similarly atoned for their Brutalist sins, I’d be all set.
LOLOLOL!!! I couldn’t agree with you more!
BTW, the McCormick Building’s just as bad as the Hurley…
What I find ironic is that, at the time it was being built (I was around 5-6 years old), everyone waxed eloquent over the “new” Government Center (including City Hall) as being the cutting edge of architecture. Looking at it today, I wonder if everyone responsible for it was on some kind of mind-bending drug…
I worked in the McCormick building this summer…one beacon is much worse, it looks like the headquarters of an evil evil megaglobal conglomerate
One Beacon? Can’t think of any evil conglomerates there. Palmer & Dodge is probably the biggest tennant, and UMass is probably the most evil.
I think the Hurley Building is the worst, though. Horribly depressing once you enter, and to get anywhere, you have to find some little door hidden around a corner. However, it could have been worse.
I find it amusing (in a sad way) that one of the biggest problems that the City of Boston faces today is dealing with the results of its “urban renewal” projects of the 50’s and 60’s. Central Artery, Mass Pike, Government Center, West End… Perhaps it’s all a ploy by the BRA to keep themselves in business by having to get rid of their previous work constantly.
Hmmmm… I think this has strayed pretty far from the OP.
Yup… there is one in Seattle as well. Not a very big one, though. Right on the waterfront.
I worked at the WTC in Boston for two years, and it is NOT just a commercial exhibition hall. It contains a tremendous amount of office space, of which maybe 75% is leased by Fidelity Investments.
Thanks for all the info.
LOLing so hard that she can barely stay in the chair!
We’ve neglected to mention the latest monstrosity blighting our fair city’s landscape here…
Yep, that’s right, none other than…
*blows a well-executed raspberry upon even mentioning it!
Hey, it could be worse. They could have taken that same building, moved it 40 miles south, and suspended it completely over an interstate highway. To top it all off, 25 years after they built it, 2-ton concrete tiles under the building dropped onto said interstate. Such is life down here in Fall River. I’m looking for a picture of the building (think a concrete block 7 stories tall), but it seems there are few floating around online. Hmph.
Happy to live across the Taunton River from “Little Lisbon”…
I like the 40 miles south part, actually.
WTF??? Are you high???
This is the first time I’ve come across anyone even implying that they’d rather see the I-93 bridge than the Zakim, which is already a thing of beauty even half-done, or that the city would be better off keeping a choked elevated freeway across its heart than with widening and burying it, or that there was no value to a new harbor tunnel connecting the turnpike to Logan, or …
What the hell are you on?
I found a link:
that has various fall river postcards - including said monstrosity that is the city hall there. I used to work in Providence, and always found the way that was built quite bizarre - especially driving over the bridge from Somerset and just seeing it straight ahead on the horizon.
Never spent much time in Fall River, though - which may be a good thing
Lovable Rogue