WWII Remembrance - Please Hold The Violence

My local PBS radio station is promoting a public remembrance of the Second World War, in which veterans and their families are supposed to get together to share experiences, bringing objects that recall those times. The announcer suggested things that bring back working in factories and planting Victory gardens, then said in a fussy tone of voice - “Please, no weapons or munitions.”

At first that struck me as a ludicrous example of PBS historical sanitation, but then I realized they were probably right. Who knows if Grandpa might decide to rummage through the attic and find a bazooka or live antipersonnel mine to bring to the remembrance? One wrong move and things could get ugly.

Even on a lesser scale, the outpouring of approved memories could be disrupted. Imagine the following sequence:
“I sewed this quilt to keep occupied when Ernie was stationed at Fort Dix.”

“I bet you children have never seen a gas rationing coupon.”

“We raised 50 pounds of turnips in '44, and here’s a photo of one that looked just like Aunt Ethel.”

“I kilt me six Japs with this here sheath knife.”
Yep, some war memories are better left unverbalized. :frowning:

No, children already learn a ridiculously santized version of American history as is.