X-Files 4/21...what can I say? (spoilers)

They sacrificed themselves to contain a deadly virus, locked themselves in a room with the human “timebomb” so he couldn’t get out and infect thousands. A very noble death, to be sure.

It was also sad to see how far they had fallen, no money, no publishing, hocking all of their neat equipment to pay the rent. Even so, they never gave up the fight. I was disappointed that they died in a one-off episode, rather than as part of The Conspiracy.


By the way, since when do hotels have BLAST DOORS?

And come to think of it, what kind of architect puts the fire alarm INSIDE the blast doors, guaranteeing that whoever pulls the switch is stuck in there?


“This is Tom Bodett from Motel 6 … we’ll leave the blast doors open for ya!”

I’m amazed that with such a male-dominated following such as this show has, no one else has made similar comments for Zuleikha Robinson.

Hottest. Cast member. Ever! :smiley:

I dunno. She’s kinda plain. If I saw her in a grocery store, I wouldn’t give her a second glance. Well, maybe if she had one of them gun thingies pointed at me. She is sexy, just not beautiful. Of course that’s MHO, YMMV. Gimme Annabeth Gish any day though…rrrrrrowr :smiley:

Honey, take a number and get in line with the rest of us… :wink:

  • s.e.

This is the X-Files, no one is dead until the actor dies. I’d bet your life (not mine ;)) that they show up in the next movie.

So no one has asked the question I wanted to ask, which is “Um, why the hell is this guy wandering around with a glowing virus wrapped in shark cartilage inside of him?” Did it occur to anyone that this made NO SENSE?

   Did this guy want to wipe out the conference for some bizarre reason?    OK...just drop a bag o' virus under the refreshment table and leave town.    The only reason for putting it  inside someone would be to:
a.  Smuggle it into some place with very high security (which this didn't appear to be.
or b.  If the carrier didn't know he was carrying a virus.   Which isn't true, because he was taunting the LGM.   Which was pretty sanguine for a guy who was about to have glowing purple goo flowing out of his bodily orifices.

To sum up – the evil genius arms merchants devised a test for their new delivery system that involved the prime scientists behind that system dying. I’m not sure “genius” is the word I’d use.

Other imponderables… Eva rips this virus bag out of the guy’s body and burns it. If there’s no leakage of virus, why is the guy’s body cavity bioluminescent? And if there is leakage, why isn’t Eva writhing on the floor? I’m pretty sure incineration in a wood fire isn’t exactly CDC protocol for destroying lethal viruses – too much chance of some particles being caught in the updraft and being blown free.

Explanations and plots that actually hang together are waaaay beyond the current writers.

I’ve always been fond of the Lone Gunmen, as they’ve been portrayed in X-Files. I was disapointed in the Lone Gunmen spinoff. It was too silly.

Assuming that they are actually dead, I’m disapointed that they won’t be around for / involved in the finale where “the truth” will (supposedly) be revealed. Speaking of which, while I’m keeping an open mind, I find it hard to beleve that they will answer all the questions and resolve all the contradictions that have accumulated during the show’s run in just four episodes.

I believe I read somewhere a couple months back that they are going to be in the finale. My guess is it’ll be a flashback scene of some sort though based on what the final episode is supposed to be about.

According the fox.com, the finale is actually called “the Truth” and has Mulder called before a military trial of some sort to account for his actions over the years ,and for the existence of the X Files, wherein the “truth” is dragged to light, in defense of mulder’s life. So the flashback speculations about TLG reappearing make a lot of sense, really.

It sort of seems interesting, but then you realize- its just the sreies finale of Seinfeld, but with aliens. Is he gonna get Jackie Chiles to represent him?

Not only that - how did the gunmen know about the blast doors? Virus-guy didn’t know, and he would probably have been interested in any nearby air-tight rooms, what with his wanting to kill everybody with an airborne virus and all. And for that matter, why was virus-guy even at the hotel (and how did TLG know he was there)? He’s setting off this virus and killing himself in a few minutes - does he also want to keep his last appointment?

It was a pretty good episode for the first while, but what a terrible way to kill them off. Bah.

About the meeting-in-the-hotel thing… I was under the impression that this was a gathering of the nation’s top scientists, politicians, etc. The guy that introduced the proceedings made a big deal out of the overall VIP-ness of the soon-to-be-bodies in the room. And security, while not really impressive, was somewhat tight… how many science conferences have you gone to where they’ve had an armed guard patting people down and checking badges?

Also, remember that they were in Washington. The virus had a target range of (IIRC) several miles. So virus-guy would wipe out not only all those scientists and politicians, but the rest of the hotel, and everyone in a several-mile radius. So, at least that makes sense.

As for the scientists carrying the virus… hey, they’re terrorists. No one ever said terrorists were smart. They probably figured “Hey, I’ve got all my notes and stuff here, the process is easily replicable, I’ll volunteer to be in the first wave of virus-release and become not only famous, but a martyr to the cause! Neato!” And besides, who the heck would suspect a scientist of carrying a deadly virus?

Can’t help on the other stuff, though. Especially the blast doors… that was just silly. Sorry.


Finale spoiler:

That Ally McBeal is an alien.

Yeah, I have to chime in that the death of Mulder’s Nerds™ was a sad day indeed. I only caught part of one episode of TLG and wasn’t diggin’ it, so I figgered, well, they’re great on the X-Files, that’s good enough for me.

As for the X-Files, after Mulder left I thought, “Welp, no point watching this now.” But I’ve been trying to keep up this past season. While I like the T-1000 (only a cool liquid-metal guy from the future could come close to replacing Mulder), who the hell are these other chicks? And where the hell’s Scully always hiding? Serves me right for missing a year or two of X-Files.

This finale’s gotta be good, they couldn’t pull a Seinfeld, could they?

About the finale (spoilers)

I think Carter said he always knew how the show would end basically. If it is like Seinfeld in any way, I really fear that people will trash the episode for the reason alone. It not like the concept of Seinfeld’s finale is so difficult to conjure up. I’m SURE there were stories out there, before Seinfeld was even on TV, that used a courtroom as a way to bring back past cast characters: (IF this is the case of the X-Files). I’m SURE there were stories out there, before Seinfeld was even on TV, that used a courtroom as a way to reminisce about the stories past (IF this is the case of the X-Files).

Great - 90 minutes of anti-tobacco conspiracy theories!


Snort “Aliens contain AMMONIA!! And RAT POISON!!!

I have watched the show for years and years from the begining but this season I have not been able to stomach very well. But I have heard that David Duchovny will be an active part in the ending of the series so I wish to catch up in time to understand the last ep. Anyone wish to fill me in a bit? E-mail me please (the last one I saw was of Reyes being half dead in the hostpital and her soul was trapped in the doll house.)
Thank ya much.
Take care. Be well. God Bless**