Xanakis's forum for porn experiments and social outrage

Hey, I wish to lodge a complaint.

I’ve been banned from my own forum.

Who do I need to get in touch with in order to register my social outrage at being banned from executing my porn experiments?

What the hell are you talking about now?

I can’t wait for school to start again.

I’ll be too busy to read threads like these.

I have a real bad feeling about this.

I believe he is attempting to build an identity for himself, now as a reckless rebel rather than the humble and penitent fellow he had appeared to become by the end of the “moderator” thread. I can’t blame him. I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints too, but I’m such a softie. :o

I thought he got over this.

Listen, bub, as far as we’re concerned, a “porn experiment” involves a goat and lube. You have neither. Buzz off.

I believe this is in refernce to this web site. Specifically to the “Boobies” “thread” on that “message board”.

If MEBuckner has it right, then that board is where you’ll need to take your complaint. It’s nothing to do with the SDMB and I wouldn’t be surprised to find this thread closed as well.

I think this entire thread may also be a joke. (Along with the other “message board”.)

Geez, SPOOFE, that still experimental for you, is it? :wink:

Yeah, the whole “message board” is just a showpiece.

Go away, ya twatknocker.

You call yourselves fans…

Oh, I’m sorry, this is abuse.


In the absence of the mods, I’ll take this one.

Thank you for your input. Your social outrage has been duly noted. As always, your feedback is important to us.

Thank you for visiting the Straight Dope Message Board. Come again soon!


After the toothpaste, I’m a little wary of experimentation…

I’m sorry, your submission does not meet our current needs. Should we someday require a sophomoric idiot’s droolings, our representitive will contact your keeper.


The Straight Dope

You did this once already, xanakis. Try the road less traveled next time. And for your information, this isn’t “your forum.” The entire message board belongs to the Chicago Reader. The Chicago Reader does not wish to provide the resources for your “experiment.” End of story.

I’m so happy you took my recommendation to “go forth and be a good poster” to heart, xan.