I rented a couple games this weekend, and realized there are a few things I’d like to try with these as well as my own games. Some I know are legal, and a few are, well… For this reason I won’t post any of the specifics. (E-mail me if you think you can help) I also know they all can and have been done, I’m just not that experienced with software and circuitry.
So what I’m looking for is other sites/forums where I can ask about these things and get answers that aren’t psychotically technical and complicated. I found one (xtremods) but not sure if it’s what I’ll need for some of the projects. They haven’t e-mailed the verification link yet.
Given that a lot of these mods enable the ripping of software to an expanded hard drive, which is, well, illegal, I wouldn’t push this one too far, duffer, given the official line on copyright violation on this board. For this one I’d google it and keep the mods {our ones} happy.
I just bought a book at my campus bookstore called “Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering” with plenty of good stuff in it. It seems to have withstood legal scrutiny. You can find it at Amazon I’m sure.
Ahem. If discussion of illegal procedures is not permitted here, why do you think we would allow “Where can I find discussions of illegal processes?”?
I’ll be the first to admit that, in the electronic age, the law hasn’t kept up with technology, and it’s not often clear what’s OK and what’s not. However, the STRAIGHT DOPE and the CHICAGO READER do not like any efforts to circumvent artists/authors/creators from profiting from their art/work/creation.