Xema and Crafter Man, you sick fucks


In this thread, you ask for advice on how to get rid of feral cats, expressing your desire to poison them, even after it was pointed out to you that several posters have had problems with neighbors poisoning their pets. You refuse to go to animal control, because, ‘They wont’ help! And these people who don’t own the cats will get mad!’

Uh, they might be even angrier if you fucking poison these animals. And why? Because cats visciously slaughter birds (hey dumbass-that’s what cats do!)

In this thread, you oh-so casually state:

Okay, I understand people who aren’t sentimental about animals, and animals causing problems on other’s property. But to go to such lengths, when you could have taken them into the pound?

Jesus Christ, that’s just fucking psychotic. To actually sit there and act like you’re PROUD of this?

Methinks the two of you need to read “The Cats of Ulthar”, by H. P. Lovecraft.

And I was so predisposed to like you. Cats kill birds not because it’s what they do, but becasue thier owners are irresponsible.

Keep them inside. Feed them. Keep them inside.

You may note thay are called house cats for a reason.

Keep them inside, feed them, keep them inside.

Of course. However, he’s making it out like these cats are deliberately torturing the birds just to be nasty. I was merely saying, well, no, they’re doing it because that’s what comes naturally to them.
As far as keeping them inside-these seem to be strays that a few people feed on occasion.

However, setting out to poison an animal like that is wrong-it’s cruel, and someone else (a small child, another animal) could mistakenly get a hold of said poison-it’s been known to have happened-and then what?

Do the right thing and call animal control, or try to trap them and take them to a shelter. If the animals are too wild to be pets, they’ll put them down in a humane way-not by drowning or poison.

Meh. Xema doesn’t seem pitworthy. Ultimately, your pet is your responsibility. If you want to keep it alive, keep it contained.

Crafter_Man seems like a sick fuck.

There isn’t anything wrong with drowning a trapped cats. It’s really no different than using carbon dioxide. It’s just a traditional method of euthanasia.

It isn’t nice to be an irresponsible pet owner with no respect for native wildlife, especially song birds. Do the decent thing and be a responsible pet owner and keep it in the house for both your cat’s sake and wildlife’s sake.

I agree with you, Guin, this is totally fucked up. Drowning cats??? It doesn’t matter if they’re stray or not - it’s a heartless and cruel thing to do, to any animal.

BTW, if Crafter_Man can do this sort of thing, I guess that explains why he has no trouble treating fat people like shit. For him, it’s a step up.

And rodents and whatever else they can catch. They are predators for gods sake.

And they do what the creator intended for them to do.

If you have a problem with that…you have deeper problems than just cats.

After reading his replies on several threads over the past few days, I’ve been starting to believe Crafter_Man is a sociopath. The cat thing nailed it.

Yes, there is something wrong with drowing a trapped cat. Being plunged into a cold stream while trapped in a cage is a bit different then being placed in a container that’s then filled with a gas. The difference between dying terrified and dying peacefully?

And the fact that he could have taken it to a shelter and let someone else kill it using a more humane method makes it especially sick.

And I don’t care how traditional it is. Putting cats in baskets and burning them used to be traditional to, but hopefully we can all agree that’s inhumane?

Actually I don’t think you are being fair to Xena at least.

It is real and difficult problem I face myself as cat owner.

I see nothing in the thread to indicate Xena isn’t entirely genuine or open to humane suggestions. Note the consensus on trapping rather than poison.

Crafter Man and Machetero have naturally leapt boots and all into the thread to show themselves complete loons, as one would predict.

Reeder, if O’Reilly published a book about you there’d be a beautiful black and white line drawing of a 7’ long school bus on the cover.

Yes, cats are predators. So are tigers, for that matter. If I see either doing something I don’t like on my property, and it ain’t mine, I’ll kill it. Not because of its predatory nature, but because it’s a fucking nuisance and its owner, if any, isn’t controlling it.

What’s wrong with just chasing it away? :dubious:

If a person is letting their animal, who doesn’t know any better, run wild, why punish the animal? It’s not its fault. Why the hell should it be killed because its owner is irresponsible?

Is this a problem in Texas? If so have you considered moving?

Wow Crafter_Man sounds like a complete and utter deranged fuckstick.

Not to mention, sometimes cats DO get out accidentally. Didn’t margin pit a friend who was cat sitting for her, who let loose one of her indoor only cats?

The long hard (Well, not so hard this year) Minnesota winter is coming to an end here in Saint Paul. As is the norm, once the weather turns warmer the coyotes move up from the river bottom, and the missing cat posters start popping up faster than the tulips.

And I root for the coyotes.

Pet ownership is a responsibility. Protect those pretty kitties from the coyotes and the sick fucks. Keep em inside.

Speaking of coyotes, Crafter_Man has also mentioned that the cats they keep around to get rid of the mice occasionally disappear-he presumes they were eaten by coyotes in the area.

No big deal, they just go and get another one!

What a great guy, isn’t he?

Because it’ll come back? Duh.

Because it’s an animal, and my interests are more important.

If one of you nutjob animal rights fruitcakes considers me a loon, then I must be doing something right. Your championing of irresponsible care of your pets, the needless death of wildlife, and lack of respect for your neighbors’ property clinches who is the actual loon here.

Burning is new one on me I never heard of it. Sounds mean.

You would try to chase a tiger away? You have more balls than any two professional football teams I can think to name. :smiley: