Y-shaped connector to a laptop and a desktop

I want to connect both a laptop and a desktop computer to the same printer. The helpful mooks in my IT department told me, “Just run out and buy a cable. Easiest thing in the world.”

Now, just forget for a second why they’re telling me me to buy something to connect THEIR laptop and THEIR desktop to THEIR printer to do work for THEM (well, THEIR bosses). That’s just SOP for the mooks in IT, I’m used to it, it’s just a cost of doing business. But when I ran down the block (to one of the hugest computer stores on this planet) no one knew what I wanted.

I thought I wasn’t speaking English. “Computer–cable-laptop-desktop-printer,” I babbled, I gestured with my hands, “Connect? Capishe, connect?–me computer user, ok? You salesman” and so on. No luck.

How do I say what I want so the salesmen will understand me? Failing that, how do I tell IT that they have to supply me with a whaddayacallit?

I’m imagining a cable that connects to the printer and, instead of a simple connector to one computer, splits into a Y-shape so it connects to two computers.

Have I gone mad? Does such an item exist on planet Earth? (And if not, why not?)

Does the printer have both a parallel (big D shape) connector and USB connector for inputs or just a parallel connection?

If both just get a USB cable for the other PC - printer connection and the printer will normally take the jobs on a first come - first serve basis automatically switching between the USB and parallel inputs.

If only a parallel port is available just use a parallel port auto switchlike this

Nah, I don’t think there’s such thing.

What you need to do is network the two computers and connect ONE to the printer.

Laptop - PC - printer. This setup would require the PC to be on when printing from either machine.

Or, you could have a printer with networking capabilities. Then you hook your printer up to a network hub, then plug the PC into the hub and the laptop into the hub. Laptop - hub - printer, PC - hub - printer

What I would recommend as the easiest solution (easiest because I am network dumb and I could even do it) is to get a wireless router. Plug the cable or dsl modem into the router. Connect the printer to the PC and the PC to the router. Allow printer sharing from the PC. Get a wireless card for the laptop. Print from the laptop over the network to the printer (requires PC to be on). Now you have wireless internet AND a printer for your laptop. Yay!

Say, what the shit is a “mook”?

As for your issue, you might want to listen to astro, because that’s an awesome solution.

(Aside to astro: I’ve never tried it, but what happens if you try to simultaneously send a print job from two PCs to a printer’s centronics and USB inputs?)

Finally, get them to buy you a print server. It’s a remote device that you connect to your printer(s). It is networked to your computers via hardwire/ethernet or wireless.

Sorry that was the selectable switch here’s the auto switch

FWIW if your IT dept cares re cost this is the kind of old school item that people are mostly throwing out these days, You can proabably get one (even the auto switch kind) for almost nothing on ebay.

Most printers will auto-switch between the connections on a first some first served basis - In some cases simultaneous printing to both ports may generate a printer availability error message for the second in line unit that’s temporarily locked out.

Either using two cables (if two ports are available), or a switch (if it’s parallel) are good ideas. (75$ though? :eek: I’d give you one for free if you were nearby. I’m sure I have one or two - the things are old tech).

In what I like to call this ‘modern era’ though, it’s way likely that both your computers are networked right now. Depending on what operating systems they run, it shouldn’t be too hard to connect the printer to the desktop, share it out, and install it to the laptop over the network. No new hardware required, takes 2 minutes to do… I’m just perplexed why your I.T. guys didn’t do it themselves. Even assuming exhorbitant levels of ‘mookiness’, it should be option #1. :dubious:

Mook is NYC term for a dope, it can be very negative or somewhat affectionate.

It is Italian American slang. Look for it in Scorcese movies or on the Sopranos.
As far as the Cable Psuedo, it doesn’t exist.
