Yahoo Fantasy NASCAR Auto Racing (Free)

You have been invited to join Paul’s Private Group in Yahoo Sports Fantasy Auto Racing.

In order to join the group, follow the link above, or go to the game front page and click on the “Sign Up” button to create a team. After completing registration, or if you already have a team, click the “Create or Join Group” button and follow the path to join an existing private group. Then, when prompted, enter the following information…

Group ID#: 1603
Password: racing

It’s a “private league” but invite whoever you want; the more the merrier. There will be no “lucky dog” like there was last year. Every week counts. Worst week from each segment will NOT be dropped.

If you’d prefer an emailed invitation, PM me and I will send one to you.

I’m in as JP Racing Inc

With the new format announcement, it’s a good time to bump this. Plenty of spots available. Please pass the word and invite your friends. It’s free.

The scoring for the league remains as follows:

Bumping this to remind prospective fantasy racers, the Nascar season starts at Daytona in two weeks.

A Sheep at the Wheel is back, baby!

Thanks, as always, for starting the league.

Every year I swear I’m done for good. And every year I come back.

Prepare to eat the dust of Road Movie to Berlin!

Last bump. Qualifying this weekend.