Yankee Stadium, 4-7-07 A-Rod finally has his Yankee Moment.

I brought my son to the Yankee game yesterday. It was cold, very cold, Kei Igawa was terrible in his America debut. My son was fidgety and bored as the Yanks were losing 7-3 through 7.

Then it started. Giambi hit a 3 run homer in the Eighth, but alas Matsui was down with a hamstring injury and Cairo was next up. The Stadium erupted when Johnny Damon pinch hit for Cairo. The chants of Johnny reverberated the night. Ball, Ball, Strike looking, Strike looking, Foul, Foul, and finally the payoff … Damon struck out swinging. Posada made the 3rd out.

Mariano comes out for the ninth with the Yanks down 7-6. I mentioned it was freezing cold, it was about 39 degrees. Despite the cold and the score most of the game, most fans stayed. What I will never understand is the fans who left after Posada made out. Who needs to beat the traffic on a Saturday afternoon when the Yanks are only down by one. The Greatest closer ever is about to come on the field as he has not worked since Monday night. These people cannot be Yankee Fans.

So Mo works an easy ninth and the Yanks have Mientkiewicz, Cabrera and Cano due up. Pretty much no one left on the bench except Phelps and Nieves a 4A catcher. Doug hits a screamer that Chris Gomez snares. Cabrera strikes out. The Stadium is glum, two outs but Chants for Robby get loud and a little desperate sounding. Count is 1-2, Cano hits a little knobber that falls into to shallow center.

Here comes the Captain, Jeter goes 2-1 and then gets hit, but he gets called back as a foul tip. Jeter takes a ball, and then walks anyway. Yanks are still alive, a single by Bobby Abreu will tie it. I turn to my friend that is also with us, and say, of course Bobby will walk and put the pressure on A-Rod. Bobby gets hit by a pitch.

Here we are, Kevin, (my son) is standing on his seat. All fans are on their feet. A-Rod comes to the plate. The fans are nervous, he never seems to come through in these situations.

Ball, big cheer, a walk will tie it and Chris Ray has been wild.

Strike Looking and then Strike Swinging: “Oh no, here we go again.”

Then it happens, that sweet, sweet sound, that perfect snap. The Ball flies into the sky. It goes deep, no one has any doubt, the Stadium erupts, at long last A-rod has come up big, really big. Into the black the ball lands.

The fans celebrate like it was the post season or at least a Yankee-Redsox game. Everyone is clapping, cheering and hugging. The Stadium is as loud as I have ever heard it in the regular season. Oh the glory, oh the redemption. Someone pushes A-Rod back out to take his curtain call.


I was listening to it on the radio - great finish. I caught A-Rod’s interview on TV and he pretty much summed it up accurately “these days, it always seems to come down to me.” I didn’t take it as a statement of ego - merely that his performance in every game is a central topic, which is true.

My son and I are going today - with a TON of layers…

Good luck, hopefully Rasner comes up with our first good start.

My friend from yesterday will be at today’s game also.

By happy coincidence, I was at the Giambi Grand Slam game when the Yanks beat the Twins in the 14th. I have seen more than my fair share of walk-off homers. I hope this continues.


Gotta love it. The Yankees’ ability to pull victory from the skinniest of remaining opportunities is truly a thing of beauty. :smiley:

All game-winning homers are cool, but it was an April game against a shitty team. The Yankee fans will be booing him as hard as ever the next time he has a slump.

Remember, this is a guy who won the MVP Award in a Yankee uniform. He’s had regular season heroics and they didn’t remember that last year when he made a few errors. They’ll forget this home run, too.

You may be right or this might be the cathartic moment fans have been waiting for. Believe it or not, Yankee fans want to root for him.


yawn They got the win, but we won the series. We’ll take 2 of 3 from the Skanks anytime. :wink:

And I disagree, Jim. The next time Arod k’s with runners on, or makes a crucial error, they’ll be booing again.

Hey, I’m an optimist.

This is the correct answer. Jim, you and your ilk are fickle!!

(are you in the Dope fantasy baseball? I don’t think you are…)

I never really got into fantasy baseball, besides everyone always tells me the Yanks are a rotisserie team. :wink:

Have to admit, Arod’s salami made my fantasy numbers look pretty good saturday. :stuck_out_tongue:

Curtis Granderson’s grand slam made me happy as well.

7th place, baby! Woo!

I dunno, didn’t Mr. Rodriguez have some gay rumors?

What numbers did his salami make better for you, then? :smiley:

I don’t know. He did stop the sleepovers at Jeter’s…

So you’re saying he hurt Jeter’s “numbers”.

Maybe just his feelings…

You know, I post a thread, brimming with the pure love of the game, pure joy in a defining moment and you to bring this down to jokes about players being gay.

For shame, for shame. I thought you were both baseball fans. Despite it being a Yankee, could you not just share a little joy in the way the baseball season begins fresh each April?


Sorry Jim, I guess I was a little bitter because it was against us. I do love the game, and it was a great moment. To quote a movie (Vision Quest I think) “It was pretty GD glorious.” And it was Jeter who pushed Arod out of the dugout for the curtain call. Guess the press makes a lot more of their “feud” than there really is.

Its cool, I was only 75% serious.