Yankees_1996_Champs: troll or dumbass

Hey, I’ll stand by you and not call you a troll. But I will call you grossly misinformed about what Democrats think. And on what reality is. Also, you’re an ignorant racist. Hell I’m independent too. Which is to say I haven’t registered with any party. But I will be voting Democratic. But every. Single. One. Of your talking points, or “warnings”, are just so fucking inane and stupidly wrong and/or unsupported.

No, Yankee champ fan wrong about all things. Is not Yankee fan no way in any ways, is RC Lokomotiv Moscow fan (2005 champs gloriously). Is overplayed hands greatly to make us to believe Yankees bullshit. Polls is all agree Democratics have election sewed up in suitcase, but Vladimir still have tricksters up coat sleeves, which I say yet I am not a left wing. Is not to know until November. до свидания.

In Russia garbage bag have you!

That all sounds quite plausible to me.

It is tough to believe that a professional operation would tolerate the degree of ineptitude we observe here. A learning curve is to be expected, but here we see more of an unchanging plateau. At the level of a highland-midge’s belly.*

In general, though, those who argue that there is NO WAY that paid-and-directed trolls would lower themselves to post on the SDMB are either not thinking it through, or are posting disingenuously for the purpose of being intentionally misleading. Of course paid trolls have to learn their trade somewhere.

*fruits of my search for “Russia” and “insects”. Apparently they are plagued by them.

I made my statement about the SDMB and troll farms and I stand by it. If you wish to believe that the SDMB is training wheels for troll farms, more fucking power to you. But know, I think of your opinion the same as you think of mine.

I’m not experienced with the modus operandi of Russian Trolls, but to the extent that they need to at least pretend to engage, it’s true that they have to learn somewhere, and this is the perfect place, as I have opined before.

But to be fair, a lot of the low-level operators might just be posting a lot of links, copying and pasting pre-approved text, and liking/joining/following others to boost their social presence, skills which don’t require a lot of English skills. I just don’t know what the desired mixture is. But in my previous posts I’ve shown the calculations that it’s possible to troll the Dope and all other larger social media platforms with a very limited amount of resources. They just might not think it’s worth even that low level of investment.

Well now he’s just being lazy.

And it’s locked.

Aww, and I was just about to show him how to search the SDMB archives to find out the answer to his question.

How many times must I say it? Is only moose, squirrel is innocent.

Of course you’d say that.

So lazy, in fact that his firsts link in the OP takes you to a UK online clothing retailer: https://www.usc.co.uk/

An interesting little bit of data about @Yankees_1996_Champs. I did notice him posting at somewhat peculiar hours for someone claiming some connection with the NE coast of the US. Notably large Russian community in the UK.

gregorio: “You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?”

The last time I tried to help a turtle, it turned out to be a snapping turtle and nearly bit off my finger. Unlikely in the desert, but why take chances?

Oh, and if Boomer Esiason was kneeling, it probably was because his knees were in too bad shape to hold him upright.

Should I care that I’m an ignorant racist shitbag?
