Yarrr, 'tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Ye mutinous dogs, be damned to ye if I’ll stop talkin’ like a pirate before midnight!

Looking for pirate jargon, this site told about one pirate expression I never heard before:

Crack Jenny’s Teacup: Term for spending the night with a prostitute.

Is that accurate?

Yarr, ‘tis a new one on me, and no mistakin’.

Me fav’rite “Next Generation” character? Tasha Yarrrrr!

Where do the pirates be gettin’ their hooks?

The second hand store, arrrrrr!

My New Yorker page-a-day calendar cartoon yesterday:

Yarr, ‘tis 2022 - see the OP, would ye, and join me in once more celebratin’ the day in proper style!

Two videos in which ye be learnin’ important aspects of pirate life:

How to be a pirate quartermaster
How to be a pirate captain

Where do pirates go to school?


Here’s hoping ye get yer shivers timbered.

'Tis that day yet again, ye scurvy dogs!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Esb-kvE_iE

I am the ghost of Roberto Clemente — Woooooooooooo, matey.